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Eternal City
  The phylax was used from the time or Romulus, to the late republic.  Amounting to nothing more then a bronze, or iron, plate covering the center of ones chest, held on by leather straps.  When the phylax was first introduced, it was the best protection money could buy.  Originally only the very rich could afford this kind of protection, but by the time of the republic, the phylax hardly rated as third class armor.  The chain mail of the celts quickly replaced the antiquated phylax, however, because a Roman Legionar had to supply his own armor, the phylax remained in circulation until the late Republic.  Used mainly by the velites, and a few poor hastai.
  Iridines legions are slowly phasing the phylax out, but until they decide to pay for a legionars equipment, the phylax will always have a strong market with the lower classes.  The phylax only protects the chest, and while it is much better protection then leather armor, is weaker then a cuirass.  It should be noted that a phylax is also considered to be slightly better at protecting the chest then a lorica hamata, though the hamata, of course, covers more area.

Phylax are available at:

Bragan: Vetallun Armory
Bronze Phylax - 300d

Harach: Bronze Lane
Phylax - 916d 2st 2s

Waike: Bronze Lane
Phylax - 480d

*Note* The picture above is still my best guess.  I have yet to find a piece of armor labeled a phylax.  Sorry Jen, I couldn't find that book you recomended :(.

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The Eternal City images, text, and audio are used with permission, and are copyright (c) 1997-99 Worlds Apart Productions, LLC. Opinions expressed here are those of Annatar, and may not reflect those of Worlds Apart Productions, LLC

BucklerRound ShieldWall ShieldLong ShieldLeather HelmHelmet with FacemaskLeather HelmetTin HelmetGladiator HelmVisored Bronze HelmetCrested Aestivan HelmetBronze HelmetIron HelmetPterygyesCod PieceShoulder PterygyesMail Shoulder GuardsShoulder GuardsArmillusHigh GreavesGreavesGalerusMail SleevesLeather ArmorPhylaxLeather CuirassMail CuirassMuscle CuirassLorica SquamataLorica Hamata