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The New Years Eve Suprises!!!!
By: Sally

New Years Eve promised to be a night of parties like never before in Bay City. However, the snow had made parties impossible to get to, and those that did manage to make their parties were stuck with no way home. Those people attending parties did not seem to mind as the partying took their minds off the bitter cold and snow outside. Things became a little more complicated a couple of hours after midnight into the New Year. The power went off everywhere. This made the parties a little more difficult as it was dark and getting very cold inside every building. Most people thought the power outage was due to weather conditions while some had their doubts and thought of the dreaded Y2K bug

One couple in Bay City decided not to venture out on such a night. The McKinnon’s decided since Vicki was very pregnant with twins and had not been feeling well that they would forgo parties and spend a quiet evening at home. Their boys, Steven and Kirkland, were upstairs asleep when the lights went out

Jake: Oh man! That’s all we need is the power going out. I'll get candles and some blankets

Vicki: I wish I could get comfortable. My back is killing me.

 Jake: Just lie down on the couch or we could go upstairs and cuddle under all our bed blankets.

Vicki: Forget it Jake! I can't get comfortable lying down or standing up or any way.

Jake: Well here are some candles and a couple of flashlights. I'm getting blankets because it is going to start
freezing soon. While I'm upstairs I'll check on the boys.

Vicki is pacing the floor. The evening had been different. Here it was the year 2000 and no parties and no fun. Just an evening of pain. They had called their doctor, and Dr. Doyle told Vicki just to take it easy because her contractions were too far a part for her to be in active labor. Lately though Vicki's pain had

Taken by surprise Vicki feels a stab of pain and then feels the warm oozing liquid between her legs.

Vicki: Jake, Jake...Oh, Ah...honey please help. Vicki doubles over in pain and barely makes it to the couch, where she collapses.

Jake hears Vicki and runs down the stairs taking two at a time.

Jake: What’s wrong!

Vicki: My...Oh water just b-r-o-k-e...Ummm. Vicki grabs a pillow for comfort and to bite on

Jake: Okay, Okay (he scratches his head)!! Let me call the hospital.

Jake picks up the phone and realizes it is dead. Jake is fearful, but tries to cover up for Vicki's

Jake: Honey just lie back and try to get comfortable. Here let me help you.

Vicki: Get your damn hands off of mmmeeeeeee....AHAH!!!! Vicki is sweating and panting for every
breathe she takes. I NEED A DOCTER!!!!!! I need...Oh AH...some d-r-u-g-s. She grabs Jake--DO YOU HEAR ME!!! Vicki falls back on the couch drenched in sweat.

Jake is at a loss as to what to do. He knows he better act fast for Vicki's sake. He remembers delivering Steven in Vicki's apartment, so if he has to deliver the twins he will. What if there are complications? A cold chill runs over Jake.
He wonders if he could get her to the hospital in time. It is obvious he cannot call for an ambulance. Even his cell phone isn't working. The only thing in their favor is the big Sports Utility Vehicle Jake gave Vicki for Christmas. It is a 2000 model so that ought to get them where they need to go.

Jake: Come on Vic I'm taking you to the hospital. He picks her up and is straining to carry her. Vicki is
screaming in pain.

Vicki: Damn you Jake! Put me down! Vicki starts to cry.

Jake: This is the only way Vic. I delivered one kid and I don't want to do it again.  He opens the front door and carries Vicki to the car. He opens the door to the back seat and tries to lay Vicki down. This isn't easy with her being so big.

Vicki: OH my G...AH, Jake don't drop me. Help!

Jake: Scoot on back in the seat.

Vicki: Why don't you...UmmmmOH....SHOVE IT , UP Y....

Jake: Come on I'm just trying to help and with that he slams the car door shut and runs to get in the drivers seat.

Jake starts the car, rives the motor and throws it in gear. With spinning wheels the car suddenly gains traction and off it goes throwing snow as it speeds away.

Unaware of what he has done, Jake is speeding toward Bay City General with a screaming and crying Vicki while Steven and Kirkland remain at home asleep oblivious to everything that has happened. However, the  cottage is getting very cold and both boys are starting to stir.

Jake is driving at record speed with snow hitting the windshield full force. He notices that Vicki has gotten a lot quieter and this has him worried.

Jake: Vicki you doing okay? We are almost there. He hears nothing but soft groaning. Stepping on the gas the car goes into a terrible spin.

Losing control of the car, Jake slides into a ditch. Trying everything he can to get out of the ditch, Jake realizes it is not worth the effort. They are stuck. A thought suddenly occurs to him.

Jake: Oh my...Steven, Kirkland! I left them at home alone.

Vicki: AAHH...OOOHHH....Help...Help me!!!!

Jake is beside himself. The two older boys are at home alone, the car is in a ditch and Vicki may just be getting ready to deliver the babies. He reaches for his cell phone and realizes once again that it does not work.

Jake: Damn! Now what?

Off in the distance Jake sees approaching headlights. He pushes open his car door to have snow fall and dump all over him. The night is frightfully cold. Jake creeps out of the car, looks into the back at Vicki and slowly starts walking down the street waving his hands. As the car gets closer, Jake’s waving becomes more frantic.

The people in the car see Jake in the road. What the hell is McKinnon doing out in the middle of the road,  Joe Carlino says to himself and to the rest of the passengers in the car.  I thought he and Vicki were staying home, replied Paulina. Joe stops the car.

Joe: What's going on Jake?

Jake: Its Vicki, she is in labor. I've got to get her to the hospital. The worst part is I was in such a rush that I left Steven and Kirkland at home asleep. Poor guys are probably scared to death.

Paulina starts laughing at Jake.

Paulina: You left the boys at home. I'm sorry Jake that is so funny.

Jake: What’s funny Paulina?

Joe: My radio doesn't work, damn. Okay lets get Vicki in our car.

Jamie and Lisa Frame get out to see what is going on. When Joe finds out his radio does not work he and Jamie, and a frantic Jake, start moving Vicki into the other car. Vicki is not fighting her contractions anymore. Now she is pushing.

Jamie: Vicki: Don't push. We are going to be at  the hospital in a minute so hold off on pushing until we get there.

Vicki (panting): Easy for you to say Jamie. I--UM--neEd To PUsH anD YOU Are JUST a MaN. I'll--push--if--I--want--to.

Jamie: If you push Vicki that baby will be born in this car.

Vicki: DRUGS--Jamie--drugs--NOW!!!

Jamie: Its too late for any medication. This baby is already beginning to crown.

Jake: Step on it Joe.

Joe: I'm going Jake. Any faster and I'd end up in a ditch like you did.

The Hospital is suddenly visible through the snow. Joe Carlino pulls up to the main entrance and drops off Jake, Vicki, Jamie and Lisa.

Joe: Don't worry about a thing Jake. Paulina and I will go get the boys. We will have them here as soon as we can. Lisa will you call Donna, Vicki's mom and her sister Marley?

Lisa: Phones are out Joe, remember.

Joe: Geez, okay I'll swing by and pick them up and bring them here also.

Meanwhile inside Jamie Frame is amazed that the power is completely off and the generators have not even kicked in yet. The dispatch equipment is not working either. Nurses and doctors are working by flashlight and candles. Jamie starts barking out orders for a labor and delivery room for Vicki McKinnon.

Jake: Jamie hurry it up man. Can't you see how much pain she is in.

Jamie: Look Jake we are taking Vicki to labor and delivery now to prep her. If you continue to make a scene or hinder any of us from doing our jobs I will have to ask you to wait in the waiting room. Now go get your scrubs on and keep your mouth shut. Jake smiled. Even after all these years some things and some people never changed. Jamie and Jake's relationship was going to be one of those.

Vicki is being prepped for delivery by one of the nurses. The baby has crowned and Vicki is exhausted from her trip over to the hospital and all the pain she has gone through all night.

Vicki: I'm so thirsty. I need my epidural. I'm dying here. Jamie get me the drugs.

Jamie: Just a few more pushes and your first baby will be here. There is not time for an epidural.

Vicki: You men get to have all the fun putting these babies in and then think by just coaching a woman during her labor that you are just as involved in the taking out process. THINK AGAIN! Hear me now
everyone, Vicki says in a weak voice, Jake McKinnon will no longer be allowed to touch his wife. OOOHHH, GEEE, Jamie, Jake, help.

Jamie: All right now Vicki start pushing. That’s good. Now breathe. Good Vicki! Now relax until the next

Vicki: OOOOHHHH! Here comes another. Give me the damn drugs.

Jamie: Good, I have the head and shoulders.

Vicki has beads of sweat coursing down her body. She is in the worst pain she has ever felt. She pushes with all her might. Dr. Jamie Frame lifts out the first of two babies.

Jake: Vic, look its our daughter.

Vicki is crying and looking at her new daughter.

Vicki: My sweet beautiful little girl. Jake what are we putting with the name Elizabeth?

Jake: How about Mary, after my aunt Mary.

Vicki (smiling): How does Mary Elizabeth McKinnon sound?

Jake: Great name Vic, great name, Jake says smiling at his wife and daughter.

Vicki looks at Jamie laughs and again asks for drugs. The birth pains are starting again and she wants to be prepared this time.

Jake is at the nursery with Mary Elizabeth. He is watching the nurse give Elizabeth her first bath. Jake cannot understand why the generators have not kicked on and how the patients in the hospital are going to cope if lights and heat don't return soon. Jake is getting another uneasy feeling. Suddenly someone taps Jake on the shoulder.

Jake: What the...

Joe: Hey, Jake, congratulations on the new baby.

Jake: Thanks man. Are the boys okay?

Joe: Safe and sound, and also very hungry. They went with Donna and Marley to the cafeteria to see what kind of food they can find. Although with everything out I'd say their chances are better for food at the vending machine. Donna and Marley don't even know the baby is here yet. They've been gone awhile.

Jake: Any idea when the generators might kick on. I'm starting to get really worried about this Y2K thing.

Joe: Yeah, I hope they come on soon or people are going to be in real trouble. The police dept. cannot even get calls or messages on their scanners. We don't know what is going on with our citizens between the computer glitches and this snow storm. I've got to get back to the station and get as many men out patrolling as I can.

Jake: Go do your job. It may be awhile before the next baby gets here.

Joe: Paulina is here with Lisa Frame and of course Donna and Marley are here with the boys.

Jake: Don't worry Joe, just go on and take care of Bay City.

Joe: Later man and good luck.

Jake: Thanks

Jake continues to stare into the dark nursery. Doctors and nurses are going back and forth comforting patients, and giving false assurances that the generator will be on soon.

A nurse walks up to Jake with a flashlight. Mr. McKinnon, Dr. Frame needs you in your wife's room immediately. Jake takes off into a run down the hall toward Vicki's room.

Jake: Jamie what is the matter, what's wrong?

Jamie: Jake we are in for a bumpy ride with this next baby. Please stay calm when I tell you this, but Vicki is going to need an emergency C-Section,  Now. She started hemorrhaging badly. We did an ultrasound and the machine is not functioning properly because of the computer glitches. When we did it, no baby showed up on the screen.

Jake: What the hell Jamie! You mean she was only carrying one baby this whole time, I don't understand.

Jamie: Yes Jake there is another baby. The machine's computer chip is not working so the baby was not detected, but there is definitely another baby. We need to do the operation because I checked her myself and she is suffering from what is called Abruptio Placenta.

Jake(scratching his head) yeah, yeah, what does that mean?

Jamie: It means that the placenta has prematurely separated from the uterian wall and that is causing Vicki to lose a lot of blood. If we delay anymore the baby will not be able to breathe and it is possible we could lose this one. Vicki's life is in the balance too. We need as many people possible to give blood because she is going to need a transfusion.

Jake: Oh no, oh please God no. Please let my wife and baby be okay. Jake is slowly falling apart. Everything has gone wrong since the New Year began a few hours ago.

Jamie: Jake I suggest you collect yourself because Vicki is going to need you in the OR. I'm going to scrub in. See you in a minute.

Jake walks over to the other side of the room to Vicki's bed. The nurses are inserting IVs in the dark. They are not able to use a fetal monitor to regulate the baby's heartbeat because the monitors run on electricity. The nurse tells Jake they will regulate the heartbeat the old fashion way. She tells him they will use a fetoscope to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

Jake looks down at his very pale wife who has bled and vomited. She is lifeless and soaking wet with sweat.

Jake: Vic I'm here. Jamie says I can be with you during the surgery. Vicki I love you please be okay for me and the boys and our new little Elizabeth. We need you Vicki.

Morgan Winthrop comes in the room with the orderlies to get Vicki for surgery.

Jake kisses Vicki as she is wheeled out of the room.

Jake: Father if I ever needed to pray it is now. Please be with my wife and protect her from harm, and God please let this whole mess be over with soon. She has never, with any of her other kids, had a c-section so I know she is scared. Please send some angels to guard her from harm or even death.

Once in the operating room things are moving fast.

Jamie: Nurse get those lights and candles closer to me. Morgan we need to move fast.

Morgan: Jamie we need to give her an epidural or she will feel the knife, but the epidural pumps are not functioning at all because of this Y2K problem.

Jake: WHAT! Vicki is not going to be numb? Come on Jamie do something.

Jamie: Jake quiet or you can leave. I'm going to spread some Novocain over her belly, but that is the best I can do under the circumstances. She will feel the knife but she is in so much pain I really don't think she will feel much of it.

Jake watches as the two doctors work to prepare his wife for the birth of their second child. He is very nervous and scared for Vicki and the baby.

The doctors start cutting with the knife and Vicki recoils and shakes. She is moaning very loudly.

Jake: Its okay Vicki! Its gonna be okay!

Vicki is in such terrible pain and starts yelling as they proceed to cut on her. She wonders if she will live through this ordeal. Vicki sees a bright light. I've got to reach for the light. As Vicki reaches toward the light two figures appear by Vicki's side.

Ah, Miss Victoria, what’s all this fuss your making. You know the good Lord would not give you anything he thought you couldn't deal with.

The glowing becomes stronger and Vicki can see that it is Bridget, the woman who raised Vicki as her own child so many years ago. Bridget takes Vicki's hand in her own and gives it a squeeze. I've missed you so much dear, but I'm not alone this time. I've brought someone back with me who also wanted to be here for the birth.

Vicki sees another figure come toward her, she gasps.

Hello Vicki, thought you might need your old man here to give you a pep talk.

Its Michael, Vicki's father who died a couple of years ago.

Now Vicki for as long as I've known you, you have never been a quitter, and you can't quit now. This second baby needs to be born to see it's mom, dad, brothers and new sister.

Vicki: Bridget, Dad, Bridget, Dad...

Jake: No Vicki its me Jake and this baby is almost here. Just hang on honey.

Vicki: Oh Bridget, Oh Dad, I can't believe you are both here for me. I can't do this. Everything is going wrong and now this surgery I know I'm dying and so is my baby that’s why you came so you could take me with you back to Heaven.

Now, Miss Victoria, the way you are going on one would think you had never had a baby before. I didn't raise you to be such a baby yourself when it comes to pain and discomfort.

Now Bridget, don't get on Vicki's case. If she wants to cop out and not go through with the second birth because it is getting a little too tough for her to handle, then who are we to interfere.

Ah, Mr. Michael, but the first wee one deserves to have her twin. We wouldn't want the new little darling to be separated from her sister. It wasn't fair for Miss Victoria and Miss Marley to be separated all those years.

You've got a point there Bridget. Well Vicki its up to you. What do you say kiddo?

Vicki: Jake! Rely on Jake! Right Bridget? You always told me I could rely on Jake.

Jake: Vicki I'm sure somewhere out there Bridget is watching over you. Yes Vic you can rely on me now just relax.

Jamie: Here comes the baby! Vicki you will feel a big tug and after that you will have your new baby. You and the baby are both out of danger now. Yeah here she comes. Its another girl. Congratulations Vicki and Jake you have another daughter. I am going to have the nurses check her over as she is a little blue. We will sew you up Vicki and you will be good as new. You were close to having a hesterectomy but thanks to Morgan you got to keep your uterus.

As the nurse takes the baby and lays it down, Michael leans over and kisses his new granddaughter.

Bridget takes Vicki's hand in both of hers once again and kisses it saying, AH Miss Victoria I knew you could do it, both babies are here with their mother, as it should be.

Michael walks over to Vicki and places a kiss on her forehead. You've made me so proud Vicki. I knew
you could do it! You just needed a little extra coaching from two very important people. Michael walks toward Bridget. Our job is over Vicki, you don't need us anymore. Yes, Miss Victoria, but don't you worry your pretty little head both your father and I will be around when you need us.

We love you Vicki. Remember to rely on Jake. Bridget and Michael slowly move back away from Vicki.
The glow of light is slowly disappearing as they fade away from view.

Jamie: Vicki I know you are weak but you sure came through that surgery like a trooper. You have always been a tough one. Congratulations again on your two beautiful daughters. It is so ironic, Jake delivered our child and I delivered the two children you had with Jake. Life sure gives you some funny twists. You go back to your room now and get some sleep.

Vicki smiles at Jamie.

Vicki(talking very weakly): Jamie thank you for all you did, and thank Morgan too.

Jamie: My pleasure Vicki, and he kisses her on the cheek.

Vicki gets settled into her hospital room. She feels like her insides have been ripped out. Jake comes in to see her saying he will be back later after she sleeps for awhile.

Vicki: Jake, we made it! Bridget and Dad were with us and Bridget reminded me to rely on you. They helped give me the strength I needed to make it through that ordeal. I almost gave up.

Jake: I'm glad you didn't give up Vic. Your family needs you. By the way, what shall we name our daughter?

Vicki(smiling): I'd really like to name her Bridget Michelle if that’s okay with you. Bridget and dad helped me so much that it seems right to name this child after our guardian angels. We can call her Bridget.

Jake leans over and kisses Vicki. That’s wonderful he whispers in her ear. I like the name Bridget Michelle. Now you get some shut eye and I'll see you in a few hours.

Vicki: I love you Jake.

Jake: I love you Vicki

Jake closes the door to Vicki's hospital room. As he is walking down the hallway the hospital generators come on and family and friends of the happy couple start surrounding him with happiness. All is well with
the McKinnon’s.


Fan Fiction

The Another World Anthology