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How I met Christina Aguilera
Hey ya'll!! WELL my lucky self got to meet someone BESIDES my five dream men--the BSB...Here is the story
    Well those of you who know me know that I go to Zero Gravity like EVERY weekend right? The dance club in Naperville, IL its a really KICKIN place WEll i was there friday and they said she would be there on saturday. So me, Caroline, Beth, and my sister Christi went.  My guy friends,Johanis,  Noah, andLazaro, all got on stage with Christina! They were grinding with her! It was SOo cool... WEll then she said, okay now i need all the ladies to throw ya hands in the air, and i was gettin trampled the whole time! well the bouncer felt bad cuz he kept shoving me and he grabbed me and said shes going up. So it was like planned I was like OMG!! Cool!! So then christina came over to where i was and said, okay who wants to dance with my dancer? im like jumpin and she grabbed my hand and pulled me up.  She came up to me and goes, Do you freak? i got what do you mean? She goes, when you dance? I go, yeh.. She goes, okay dance with him and then another girl was with him too so I grinded the back and the other chik got the front! After a few minutes of the crowd screaming he danced with me alone and was laughing it was really a blast. So then me and Christina got a pic together and I said, hey your cool girl! Thanks so much!
Well thats it everyone !