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Concert Review and BSB Personal Experiences

Lisa's Experience:


Hey GuyS!I FINALLY MET THE BACKSTREET BOYS!This is what happened!

Hi! My name is LIsa and I am from Illinois.I just recently had the most AWESOME experiences with the Backstreet Boys..EVER! People may not belive me....but for one, i have pics....and for another I know it happened, 6 of my friends know it happened so thats all that matters!!!!!

Anyways! -Ocotber 5th, 1999-

We get to the All State Arena at what? 2:30? Somewhere around there...we walked around FOREVER and got yelled at by a bunch of stupid jerks!Then around 4 I hadda pee so me and my friend Cherie went to the bathroom (and to try to sneakaround in the box office...).Well, when we came out 5 of my friends ran up to us screaming OH MY GOD THE BACKSTREEET BOYS BUS JUST DROVE BY AND AJ AND BRIAN WAVED TO US! So Cherie and I missed them. We were in tears. I was soooo mad......I've been waiting over 2 yrs to come close like that and I blew my chance! so I was pissed.

Then around 5 or 5:30 we got to stand in line to get in, and me and my friends were first and then these 2 guys came walking by and they introduced themselves to us and one was RoRo, a BSB dancer, and the other one is Nick Carter's best friend. Well, i got their pics taken iwth me and i talked to them for awhile and my firend CHerie gave Nick's friend her #, and then we left.

Well, the concert was AMAZING! We had balconoy seats the first day but it was still coool. After the concert tho we met up with my mom and shesaid hey Lisa, look at this. She pulled a teddy bear out of a bag. SHE CAUGHT BRIAN LITTRELL'S TEDDY BEAR HE THREW!!! I was like crying forever!

-October 6- We leave again for the second concert, around the same time. I follow their bus (but they are not sticking their jeads out this time) and A few minutes later my mom screamed LISA GET OVER HERE, and when I got there some guy handed me a wristband, I grabbed it and I was like uhhh whats this for? And he says THERE IS ONE LEFT, WHOEVER ANSWERS THIS QUESTION RIGHT GETS IT. So I am worried Cherie wont get it. Well, the question is, What is the Backstreet Boys first US single.......and Guess what you TRUE BSB FANS! EVERYONE SAID QUIT PLAYING GAMES WITH MY HEART, and I said no, it's "We've got it going on" and He said yup! and everyone started saying Duh! OMG I cant belive I didnt get that right! and I was like he he he he I got it going on! So I gave that to Cherie (It was just me and her that day) but we had no idea what it was for... so we just followed the guy in the building and when we got there we saw a table set up with five water bottles and 5 mics. IT WAS THERE PRESS CONFERENCE! I almost fainted......3 times! LOL!

OMG, The lady said no autographs, no personal pics, etc........and she said in a few mins they will come out and then u can line up at the mic and ask questions. well, i heard her say to this girl, okie u can start lining up...I LEAPED like 10 feet over there and I was the first person in line.....I was like OMG OMG I AM GONNA TALK TO BSB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So there I was, they were bringing BSB out, i get pics, and then they all waited for me to speak. I said, "Hi, my name is Lisa. and they all said Hi Lisa! And I said first of all i would lie to with Kevin a happy belated birthday..and he said thanks! Then I said, "Okay, this is a question ive been DYING to know for a long time. It refers to something old but, i would like to know in detail, who wrote the All i have to tive conversation mix, did u all help at all, and what did u think of it?" and Howie says WOW!!!!! The conversation mix! I could tell they were all suprised.....I felt so good cuz i hate when people ask the SAME questions over and over and's like yuck! Howie winked! So, I felt very proud. Then Howie started to say, "Hi I'm howie i want a girl who will be my wife and cook all of my meals, i want pancakes and bacon and eggs, and then Nick chimed in, "He likes it until the Guacamole comes out!" I was like OH MY GOD NICK CARTERIS JOKING AROUND WITH ME! ehhehee. Then Howie answered by saying, who wrote it, how the guy is REALLY funny....he is always pulling pranks on the boys, sticking stickers to their backs, and just being he wrote it to the original music, and Howie said, we had a hard time recording that, we were laughing so much! Then I said, Thank you so much, I LOVE YOU! And Nicky said "You Welcome!!!" and then they all said "Thanks!" and I screamed THANKS THANKS! I HAVE LOVED YALLS FOR OVER 2 YRS!!! BYYYEEE!!!! So...that was that, and the whole time Nick was being a huge FLIRT! So was Bri Bri! Oh my gosh! lol. Cherie had a basketball (toy ball) and she waved it in the air for Bri, and he motioned for her to throwo it, and she did, he caught it and then awhile later I showed him my duck i wanted to throw to him and he motioned for me to, too, and I threw it but I got so nervous i hit 3 girls in the head! LOLOLOL!! HE LAUGHED AT ME! ROF!

All through the press conference everyone waspretty quiet, 'cept for Cherie and me! A girl asked, Do yall wear boxers or breifs, and AJ is like, well to bed I wear thongs, and then I screamed CAN I SEE!? Just little comments like that....I think Nick liked that.....

So, after all the questions were answered we got to take more pics and then we all ran up there. I said BRI!!! THIS IS FOR YOU! ANd I had a package of stuff for ALL the BSB....but he was closest! So, I gave it to him and I said Can I have a hug? So he hugged me and I wouldnt let go ROFLMAO!! He said, okie, okie..Sorry But I gotta go.....So he hadda go and I turned around and there was Kev, so I stretched my arms out and I said KEVIN! And he gave me a hug, then I ran over to Nick, but the blonde chick (I dont know what she does) said No, u guys can NOT be over I ran around a few girls and then I shook Howies hand (And got a close up!) then I went over and touched Nicks arm, but he got a pic for me first! He has FLABBY arms (And I am not being mean, jsut telling the truth!). I lvoe his flab, it is the seciest thing. oh yeah baby! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!

CHERIES STORY (webmaster)

Well that was my best freind's experience of course you can tell I was with her, but I will give you all my story!

The first concert was in Chicago, IL and it was pretty amazing. I was so surprised by how good the opening acts, EYC and Mandy Moore. I really do believe they are going to be big! Anyways, the show was awesome and what was even better was before the show, I met RO-RO, a dancer, and one of Nick's best friends. They were both really nice and me being the die-hard fan that I am, just thought it was the whole world to us ya know!

The second concert was the next night. My seat was really good, it was section 1, row 13! Me and Lisa left and were at the All-State Arena by 2 or 3 and the concert did not even begin until 7:30. So we were of course trying to scheme our way into the building early. Well, me and Lisa were talking and then all of a sudden her mom yelled, "LISA GET OVER HERE NOW!". So we went to where she was around a guy who was giving out white braclet type things. So he just handed Lisa one and we didn't even know what it was. Then I thought, "PRESS CONFERENCE OMG!" So I said, "I AM WITH HER!". And the guys goes, "Okay I have 1 left, whoever answers this right gets it!". So he said, "What the BSB"s first American single?" I SAID QUIT PLAYING GAMES! IS THAT NOT DUMB!!!Well Lisa screamed, "WE'VE GOT IT GOING ON!" ANd he gave it to her, but she already had one! So she gave it to me, and I got in that way! I owe her my life!

So we got into the press conference and they told us this was one of five press conferences for the fans out of their like 72 city tour! Only 70 people were in the room, including the press people and people who were not fans! Going on now, like Lisa said before, she asked her question. Then it was my turn. All of them looked at me, and I was shaking, I could not handle all of the freaking BSB looking at me! So I stepped up and I said, "I LOVE YOU ALL!" and they all were like "thanks.." and I said, "Okay well my name is Cherie and they are like "Hi(interupting each other HOW CUTE! AH~). Then I said, "I just wanted to know how is this Millennium tour differ from your last one, like with your dancing and all the props and everything?" Then Howie and AJ did most of the talking for it and they basically said having the dancers aboard was really different, I interupted them by saying, "Yeh? I met one of the dancers, RO-RO." and Brian goes "ro-ro and rowed his arms like he was rowing a boat lol". so i started laughing and then I think it was Howie who said, The round stage is definitly a big change for us and he was elaborating on that perspective. And I said, "I think that it's working really good because i went to the show last night and everyone can see it perfectly!" So they were all smiling and said ya know how that is good and I said, "Thank you so much you guys!" and they are like "your welcome".

So then through the whole thing basically everyone was quiet, with the exception of me and Lisa. It was so funny! I had this little play basketball I had written things on for Brian like, "Thank your for never breaking my heart" and "I love b-rok!. So i was like raising the roof in the middle of it to get his attention and he looked at me and he motioned for me to throw it to him. So I did, and everyone was like yelling, WOOO!! And during the middle of the conference he was reading it! Then during it, Howie kept looking at me and I lipped to him I LOVE YOU and he winked, and I put my hands over my face and starting laughing and freaking out. Then he was laughing too! At the end of it, I ran up to where they were just leaving and got a hug from AJ, Kevin, and put my arm like around Howie kinda. And Nick was walking into this rooma nd I put my head in there and go, "Hey Nick since your single you want my number?" So he turned around smiling and was like "uhh.." And his security guard yelled, "NO HE CANT HAVE YOUR NUMBER!" So Howie was in there too and I go, " How bout you Howie your only dating?" He just smiled at me lol! Well on the interview section I am going to write some of the questions from the press conference.

Check out pics from the concert

Pics of me from concert

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Ottawa Daily Times

Me in the paper for meeting the BSB