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I am not the Walrus. Or the Eggman. And I'm glad.

Things that you need to know in order to survive:
Ahhh...what else to tell you? Ok, yeah, well... that at least gives you a thought about what I look like and my interests and stuff. It's probably more than you ever wanted/needed to know about me. Doesn't that make you feel special? If you STILL want to know what I look like, you should make an appointment with a very good psychiatrist, and then go here or here. AND, if you happen to like, or dislike what you see, or you want to talk to me, PLEASE e-mail me. I haven't had ANY e-mail from you guys yet- it makes me feel bad. I know, I'm a loser, but I'd really like to hear from you people. Those of you who know me, I've talked to a lot of you and know your opinions for the most part, but all you other people (even if there aren't many of you) PLEASE! Ok, there's my spiel, I'm done.

Back! Back I say!