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Chicago Johnny-No Name Concert

Chicago Johnny No Name Concert!

Hello Everyone! You’re probably sick of me meeting everyone..but here I am again! I don’t have a lot of pictures scanned yet, but I will have as many as possible, as soon as possible! Most likely over spring break I’ll have a ton! Here is how we ran into AJ and the Band!

We arrived at the Rosemont Theatre at about 2:15. We parked in front of a bus from Kissimmee, Florida. Cherie and I fought whether it was AJ’s bus or not (I was right for once, since it wasn’t his bus). But around 3:30 we saw a black bus coming around the corner and we got out. About 20 other girls saw us going towards the bus and decided to come by us, so, everyone was lining up. We saw a McDonald’s cup in the window and that’s when we knew it had to be AJ!

Cherie said, “Hey! There is Denise I think!” and Sure enough it was! And Denise came out and we got some pics and then Cherie said “We’re members of your fun-club,” and Denise replies, “ohhh…” then I said, “I’ve got this keychain..” and she said, “cool.” And she says it sarcastically. And I said to her, “Do you know what? WE paid 25 god damn dollars for that club and we didn’t get CRAP. We’ve only got 2 newsletters..and they were LATE!” Then she walked away..

But At Least She knows her club sucks. LOL. Then AJ sticks his head out the window and talked to us fans for about 5-10 mins. Then he comes out and smokes and talked with is us. Cherie said, “Hey AJ! You should go clubbin’ with us tonight! There are some really phat clubs in Chi-Town!”

AJ said, “I would but I’ve got a show tommorow!” And then he said he was going to leave, but he was going to come back out for autographs and stuff. But he never did. I think there was too many people by the time he got done with the soundcheck to come back out (there were only 20+ people, then his bodyguard came out to check everytthing out and there was like a hundred of us..)

Then the band came out! I gave Tommy a birthday card for him and Guido..and Cherie said she got pics..but she only got my hand and ½ of his head =(

Oh Well! The Mindi came out and Cherie talked to her..and Guy and Louie said they remember us! (They didn’t at first then Cherie said, Hey! How’s Brent?!) Then Louie was like, “Now I know who ya are!!” LOL

Well, Now the concert! I was not what I expected. IT WAS SO MUCH MORE! AJ is the most talented artist. He can pull of ANYTHING, and I’m not just saying that because I am a fan. I say this because he was on the stage one minute singing rage against the machine, and the next minute Bryan McKnight. =)

Plus he is full of energy and personality.

That’s all! If anyone has pics I can add to the collection..please send me them and I’ll credit ya! Mucho gracias! - Lisa!

Here is a review from a girl who also went to it. If you have a Johnny Review, let me know!

Thanks to: Jessica [] for letting me use her review!

Hey everyone!! I went to the Johnny Noname concert on April 4, in Chicago. It was such a blast! We had 5th row seats, but I ended up sneaking up to the 2nd row, not counting the couple of rows in the orchestra pit, and I was sooooooo close! AJ was incredibly funny as Johnny. Examples:

-The funniest part was when he made fun of each of the boy's nicknames. For Brian he said, "And B-Rok? Who would want to BE a ROCK?" For Kevin he made some train noises. For Howie he said, "My name is Sweet D," in a stereotypical "gay" voice. For himself, " And that AJ guy, what kind if name is Bone. It sounds like a sexual act!" I swear he said that, it was so funny.

- He came out once and just out of the blue said, "I feel horny," or something like that. Everyone freaked out.

- The girl in front of me through this huge bra on stage and he picked it up and said, "There is some lucky lady in the audience tonight." Mindi put it on her head. And then he joked that it belonged to his security guard.

Here are the pics, guestbook, etc etc!

LooK! There's bone-daddy smokin'
AJ's Dead SEXY!
Show Me the Meaning, of being lonley! VIEW THE GUESTBOOK
How I Met BSB (Main page)
Encounters (When i met WIlla, and the band the first time)
Another Awesome pic of Boner
An EXTREME closeup of Minidi Abair! She is so cool!
Now *THIS* Is a SEXY pic of Kevvy!
Awww...I'm *his* perfect fan! (B-rok)
Can We Say "SEXY"? (Kaos!)
LOL One of Johnny's MANY funny Poses! LOL
Mama McLean Herself! (Denis)
Me giving Tommy a Birthday Card!
Howie Is So Adorable! I think he needs a hug!
One of my $188 2nd Row Seat Awesome Pic of NIcky!
LOL SOmeone threw AJ a ZZZ Bra LOL Here it is!
Mindi with the Bra LOL
A Cute Pic of Mindi and Johnny
AWWW...He looks like he wants to get out of something! Love him!
This is a PHAT pic of Nick, how cool is that? The Towel Head!
LOL I almost Peed my pants looking at that!
A pic of Johnny (thanks to
Another Johnny Pic! (Thanks