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Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus

Circus Train

This small Web site presents a collection of photographs of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus train during its visit to Chicago in November of 1998. Click on any of these thumbnail images for a larger image.

This train is so long that I was not able to get a photograph of the entire train in one shot.

Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train
Circus Train

I took these photographs during November of 1998 using a Sony Mavica FD-7 digital camera. Adobe Photoshop was used for electronic dark room processing. I've written a custom perl 5 script which constructs these pages from a terse text description file, using a template file.

This is an unofficial site without any affiliation with the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Equipment characteristics are courtesy of the BNSF Web site query service. This is a free site hosted by Angelfire.

Blue RibbonValid HTML 4.0! Photographs and text copyright © Harold A. Driscoll, 1999. All rights reserved.
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