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     The following pictures are of Colt Cabana. Follow Cabana and his career through Kodak film. It's fun, the kids love it.


Chris Candido w/ Cabana in a hammerlock (1/11/02)

Group Picture: Ted Petty Invitational (11/07/02)

Blocking Dino Bambino's chair (3/3/02)

Pinning Ken Anderson (11/07/02)

SS16 Quack makes Cabana take his famous bump (9/8/01)

gots Nick Mondo in an Abdominal Stretch(11/7/02)

Cabana & Dave Prazak doing IWA micwork (8/16/00)

SS16 Cabana & Quackenbush play Lucha Libre (9/8/01)

3way german suplex(4/5/02)

Stetching out Jerry Lynn (7/6/02)


Cabana in ROH cutting a promo on Punk (9/21/02)

4 men enter, one man leaves (7/19/03)

Burning Hammers are not fun (7/19/03)

Double Knee Attack (12/7/02)

Deep Jap-Armdrag (12/7/02)

Cabana's hand raised in victory (12/7/02)

Asai Tumbleweed to the outside (1/11/02)

Colt 45 coming to Homicide (1/11/02)

Jay Briscoe dives onto Cabana (5/31/03)

Cabana and Daffney yuck it up in the ring (5/31/03)

Cabana puts the beatdown on BJ Whitmer (6/14/03)

FWA : London, England

Cabana gives Punk a High-Five to start out the match (10.18.03)

Cabana applys the IRON CLAW (10.18.03)

Punk & Cabana playing outside (10.18.03)

Punk finishes Cabana off w/ a PepsiPlunge (10.18.03)


Cabana's got Punk stuck in a corner (1.8.03)

Reverse Suplex from the Top Rope (1.08.03)


Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup (5.16.03)


Cabana sits atop the ECW arena (9/21/02)

Tunneling through the legs of CM Punk (9/21/02)

Cabana says hello to the ECW arena (2/15/02)

Demolition-style senton onto Joey Mathews (2/15/02)

Christian York works over Cabana's arm(2/15/02)

Chikara Pro

Group Photo from SixMan Tag(L-R:Don Montoya, Mike Quackenbush, CM Punk, Reckless Youth, Colt Cabana, Chris Hero) (5/25/02)

Six-Man Submission (5/25/02)

Japanamation picture of the Chikara Sixman tag


Cabana and a bloody Axl Rotten

DP beggin for mercy

Roman Knuckle Lock (2/1/03)

Deep armdrag on "Sexy" Ace Steel


Joe E Legend and Cabana hit a modified Heart Attack on D LO Brown

Chris Sabin puts Cabana in a headlock

Choking out Sabu

Getting choked out by Sabu

Punk & Cabana invade IWF


The infamous suplex off the Mountain Dew Machine

Toprope Frankensteiner


Cabana and Ballard Brother II battle for the toprope

Joel Maximo gets ready to flatten Cabana


Cabana has Chris Daniels in a japanese-f-ckbucket

Big palm strike to Japanase sensation Ikuto Hidaka

Working over Hidaka's arm

IWC's Super Indy Tournament

Super Hentai hits a DDT from the top rope


Another Fuckbucket

Dropping AJ Styles right on his neck


Wrenching Sam Hayne's arm (1.18.03)

Toprope Moonsault onto JB Trask

Cabana w/ Bambino in a Headlock

Your new ACW Heavywieght Champion

Detroit Wrestling

N8 Matson, Truth Martini & Cabana all tied up (MXPW 4/4/03)


A young Cabana vs. King Kong Bundy (8/99)

Cabana's first match as a "Goon" (6/19/99)

Cabana's brother Greg(who draws for Mucha Lucha) draws him into a crazy lucha wrestler

BJ Whitmer and Colt Cabana w/ Rocky Balboa

Cabana & Howard Stern's Fred the Elephant Boy

Cabana vs. A MIDGET!!!