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                                                                    So, I am supposed to be writing a paper right now, but
                                                                        I am bored with that, (and i like to procrastinate)
                                                                        so instead, I made you a birthday card!!  :o)

                                                                        Thank you sooooo much for worrying and thinking about me.
                                                                          I am sorry for missing your 22 and i forgive you for missing
                                                                             mine.  I was so excited when I read your last email to hear
                                                                            that you care for me as much as you do...I had no idea!
                                                                           I have truly missed you these past few years and I have
                                                                      always thought of you and wished to be more of a part of
                                                                     your life.  Hopefully, our friendship will grow stronger in the
                                                                 coming years.

1  --  2  --  3

Blow out the candles!!

and cheers to you from me and my girls!!!

love always,

Debra Marie Supan