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Queen Nephrenia

To the Castle Entrance
Dead Moon Circus Entrance

Greetings, welcome to my room. I am Queen Nephrenia, the leader of the Dead Moon Circus. I used to live on a dark and cold planet and the Beauty of the Silver Millenium angered me and made me so jealous I had to do something. I wanted to get the Golden Crystal and in turn control everything by having it. When my people age they get ugly and look like Zirconia, I of course did not want to look like this, I wanted to keep my beauty. I did this by eating the dreams of my subjects who then became the members of my circus. After the annoying Sailors had defeated my Dead Moon Circus I sealed myself up behind mirrors so that I could still be young and beautiful. After a while I was awakened by a mysterious voice. The voice told me I was tricked by Sailor Moon and must get revenge. I soon appear in mirrors on earth sending out monsters called Mirror Paredory to attack the scouts. I brainwash Darien and bring him into my realm luring the sailors in to save him. I trap each one except Sailor Moon, but she soon comes to the rescue and saves her friends. She then sends me to my kingdom as a young princess before I was corrupted by the search for eternal beauty. Later it is found out that the voice is Glaxia's who wanted to capture all of the Sailor star seeds.