Announcing The Birth Of Eris Kelley Laughlin Coming Soon! New Pictures of the Goddess as she approaches her 5th birthday!"
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Take the Baby Eris Poll ~ The Baby Eris Poll ~ Takes a minute, be patient

Born: 8/18/99

Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz

Length: 21 inches

Time: 3:25am

We are both Kelley's. Kelley met his father, (also named Raymond Kelley), for the first time last year, so we had to keep the name Kelley somewhere. It's both to honor Kelley's father, and because we might have never met weren't it for our name and the extra 'E' that everyone always leaves out. Eris is the Greek goddess of chaos and discord, and there will soon be an entire page just on the name Eris.

Please sign the Guestbook so we may print the well wishes for Eris to read when she is older!!!

Guestbook by 

My Other Pages

Page Two-Mom's Interests

Page Three-Some of Mom's Creations

Page Four-For The Fairest-About the Name Eris

Page Five-The Baby Eris Poll

Page Six - Photo Album

Page Seven - Raggedy Ann and Andy

Page Eight - Pictures of Eris 9/4/99

Page Nine - Pictures of Eris 9/27/99

Page Ten - Pictures of Eris 10/6/99

Page Eleven - Pictures of Eris 10/10/99

Page Twelve - Pictures of Eris 10/31/99

Page Thirteen - And yet More Pictures - 11/4/99

Page Fourteen - More Pictures - 11/20/99

Page Fifteen - Our Christmas List

Page Sixteen - Eris 2000

Page Seventeen - Eris in her new Overalls 2/23/2000

Page Eighteen - Eris in April 4/4 and 5/2000

Page Nineteen - Eris 11/27/00

Page Twenty- Eris 6/29/01

First view of the little one!

Christmas 1998 was a time of joy, change, and fear. Thinking I had an appendicits or food poisoning I went to the hospital only to find we were pregnant. We were delighted to have such a gift just before Christmas, but afraid as the doctor's weren't sure if the pain was from a burst cyst or an ectopic pregnancy. Well, finally in January we got the first positive sign from the 'lima bean' shown in the ultrasound, which ruled out the later fear. What a way to start a new year, and the adventure begins!

The Proud Parents

Kelleyanne Pearman and Raymond Kelley Laughlin

Mom and Dad are both artists of a sort. Mom has a BFA in theatre, but currently does a lot of sewing and is hoping to stay at home and sew and take care of me. She has a webpage of her creations at Seams To Be. Dad is a silversmith, rockhound, lapidary, and jeweler. His webpage needs an update, but can be seen at Kelrocks. I have a half brother named Cullen Luc who comes and visits dad twice a week and his webpage is Pucaboy's Playground, and a doggy sister named Isabel, who will make an appearance on later pages.

Links for Mom's To Be

Birth Planning FAQ


Home Birth and Midwives Support Network for Illinois

Illinois Families For Midwifery

Pregnancy news, information and features

The Bradley MethodŽ Home Page

Welcome to BabyCenter

Moms Network Exchange "the" site for Work at Home Moms The Newsletter and Online Magazine for Work at Home Moms

Pregnancy Today ~ Journal for Mom's To Be

Problems at 23 Weeks

This has been a long hard pregnancy. At 23 weeks mom was in the hospital for a week and has been on bedrest ever since. She is sooo glad I decided not to make an entrance that early, but is looking forward to my arrival, which is expected on 9/3/99, but don't be surprised if I pop out sooner.

Bedrest, Freebies, and Pooh Cards


Baby Freebies

Cutting Costs Baby Freebies

BabyCenter ~ A Guide to Bedrest


Birthday Pooh Animated Postcards

Inkan´s Preemie Home: Bedrest

Sidelines National Support Network

Picture of baby at the top, guest book sign and view, and divider in the guest book provided courtesy of

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