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Copyright Stuff

This is the point at which I feel like some well-heeled lawyer with an immaculate three-piece suit and a deep, grandfatherly voice should be apprising you of all the legal ramifications of using any stuff from this Web site.

But I am going to stubbornly resist that urge and try to keep this simple and without any legalese:

Except where otherwise noted, written material on this site is probably (99.9% chance) the intellectual property and physical possession of Jeffrey D. Bouley of Chicago, Illinois, who hopefully was under the power of the Holy Spirit with regards to all of those materials when he produced them. Graphics are more of a toss-up—it may belong to or some other entity, or it may be something I produced. In some cases, a copyright for the graphic is provided at the bottom of the page it appears on. In other cases, the ownership/copyright is not clear. When in doubt, ask me.

So, for practical purposes, what does all that mean? Well, if you want to use something here that belongs to me, please contact me first and ask me. Chances are that I either won't mind and won't charge you, or I won't mind and will only charge you a very small fee (much of which will probably end up going to my church or some other spiritually-aware organization I hold in high esteem). And this primarily applies to text material that I own. If you like a graphic that I have produced, chances are that I'll let you use it without limitation and without cost. But because I don't pretend to be a graphic designer, I don't think too many people will be lining up for the graphics that I've created.

I'm not in this for profit. If the Lord sees fit to put some money in my pocket through these efforts, far be it from me to argue...but I don't see that happening. If you want to use the material, it's for a good cause, and you don't have any scratch, I'm sure we can figure something out. I'm a reasonable guy, provided I've had my morning coffee.

If you want to use any material on this site that doesn't belong to me, you need to take that up with the person who actually has the rights to that material. Where possible, I will try to help you get in touch with those people, but I cannot give you permission to use something that someone else has graciously allowed me to include here. And if you do take someone's stuff from here without getting permission, I will feel obliged to tattle if I find out. Nothing personal.

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