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Faith thru the Word

Time to hit the books. Or, at least hit The Good Book, otherwise known as the Bible.

None of us is so good that we cannot stand a little more education in the Word of God. That's what this area is for. Whether you are clueless about Christianity, you are seeking Christ, or you simply need a little reminder or pick-me-up, you can benefit by reading the contents listed at the right.

My feeling is that anything that gets you thinking about God and Jesus can't be all bad. So even if a few of the things I include here are not "gospel perfect," they serve a purpose. But I am interested in giving you as much accuracy as possible. And because I am neither a preacher nor a Bible scholar, many of the contents here will be directly from the teachings of men of the cloth, particularly my father-in-law, the Rev. Leroy Stewart.

The Word of God


"10 Minute" Gospel

Coming Soon
Is Jesus God?
Coming soon

3 Steps to Salvation

Coming soon
Patient Faith
Coming soon
Highest Faith
Coming soon
More coming soon Coming soon
Coming soon Coming soon

I welcome submissions. If you have any sermons, essays or teachings to pass along for possible inclusion here, then e-mail me and let me know what you've got.

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