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"Brides" Magazine ran an issue (Feb/March 2000) that included a wedding guide to help plan for your wedding. Fancy That Ltd. wants you to have the greatest wedding, however much planning has to be made. Therefore, we thought we would pass this along to you. We've made it so you can print this page out and checkmark what you have done. We hope it is to some use to you!

Twelve Months Before:

Buy a wedding planner or date book.
Consult with your fiancé and all parents about budget and style--from colors to cake.
Start shopping for your dress.
Select your attendants.
Decide on the ceremony and reception sites and reserve both.
Book a consultant, caterer, photographer, videographer, florist, and musicians.

Nine Months Before:

With your fiancé, visit your clergymen or justice of the peace.
Choose and order your dress and accesories.
Register for gifts.
Begin your guest list; have your fiancé start this.
Consult a travel agent about your honeymoon.

Six Months Before:

Plan the details with all wedding professionals.
Book a calligrapher, portrait photographer, and limousines for the wedding party.
Order the invitations and announcements.
Complete the honeymoon plans with your fiancé.
Set a date to order the attendants' dresses.
Discuss the rehearsal dinner with your fiancé.

Three Months Before:

Finalize the guest list.
Make appointment for dress fitting.
Shop for lingerie and honeymoon clothes.
Order the wedding rings
Check state requirements for blood tests.
Make and appointment with your hairdresser.
Talk to your fiancé abour reserving a block of rooms for out-of-town guests.

6-8 Weeks Before:

Mail your invitations.
Buy your fiancé's wedding gift.
Choose gifts for your attendants.
Have a final dress and headpiece fitting.
Have your portrait taken.
Pick up the rings.
Plan your bridesmaids' party.
Write thank-you notes as you receive gifts.
Send your announcement to newspapers.
If moving, arrange to transport your belongings.

Two Weeks Before:

Get the marriage liscense with your fiancé.
Confirm honeymoon reservations.
Submit request lists to the photographer, videographer, and muscians.
Address your announcements to mail on the wedding day.

One Week Before:

Pack; get your going-away outfit ready.
Purchase traveler's checks; inquire about ATMs near your honeymoon site.
Give the final guest count to caterer.
Give the bridesmaids' party.
Check final details with all wedding professionals.
Keep up with gift acknowledgments.
Remind your attendants of the rehearsal-dinner details.

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