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*Sync pics*

All of these pictures were taken by Don Korte, whose website is at These are some of the best teams in the United States in action at the 2000 and 2001 National Synchronized Skating Championships. Unforunately, still photos can hardly do this sport any justice, but they still give an idea of just how wonderful (and difficult) synchronized team skating can be.

Different arm holds
Basic shoulder.... Tea-pot or elbow grasp.... Basketweave.... "Muscle man"....Interesting new hold.... One arm up.... Reverse basketweave....Hooked elbows

Lines and blocks
Line in shoulder hold.... Two lines, no hold....Not all lines have to be straight.... Block in shoulder hold.... Another block....Pyramid shaped block....Variation on the pyramid....V or Arrow block

Hand hold....Basketweave hold....Turn-around to change direction... Shoot-the-duck maneuver in a circle....Two traveling circles....Spiral (arabesque) circle....... A circle within a circle

Back lunge pass throughs: Before.......During........And after
Unique shoot-the-duck pass-through....Lunge and spiral pass-through

Four-spoke wheel.... Three-spoke wheel...."S"-shaped pinwheel.... Variation on 3-spoke....Double parallel wheel

Other elements
"Sun" maneuver....."Highlighting".... Corkscrew or Cinnamon Bun.... Egg-beater (overlapping 3-spokes).... "Swish-by" or "zipper"

Beginnings and endings
Heart.....Age-appropriate and just adorable.... Unique shape and positions..... More interesting poses...."Jazz hands" for jazz music....Ow! Good thing this is their ENDING!....Different levels.....Simple, yet effective

Other close-ups
Proof that you are never too old....and never too young for this sport....Strong hold (and strong facial expressions).... Just for kicks....Nice soft knee bend...."We only make it LOOK easy".... A final salute

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