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Team Harmony

From Terry Orlick's "Embracing Your Potential"

A compilation of suggestions from Olympic athletes for improving harmony on a team:

Respect the contributions that people can make, and respect their feelings.

If each member just makes a little more effort to get along with everyone else, things will run much more smoothly.

Each team member can help by learning to tolerate others better. So help yourself and help the team by tolerating others.

Everybody on the team may need to give a little bit more to ensure that the team as a whole pulls in the same direction---toward the ultimate goal.

Accept team members as they are---with individual habits, flaws, personality quirks and ways of living---and try to work together as a whole team.

Avoid backbiting and gossiping about team mates. If you don't like something that someone does, don't tell everyone. That just leads to more people getting made, usually for no good reason.

Care a little more. Try to spend more positive time with one another.

Do some fun things as a team to reduce the tension

Stop ranking people and treating them on that basis. Priorities have value, but we are all people.

If any "beefs" arise, have a talk, one to one

Discuss problems openly with all parties present. Discuss solutions with team mates, then implement them.

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