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Andrea Devers

These are some poems by my good friend Andrea *waves*

"Today I Mourn"

Today I mourn
a worthless soul
who soon gave in,
lacks self control,
relies too much
on shallow things--
like who can fly,
and broken wings--
can't see much further than her nose
and such and why
and how it goes

and thus, my friends,
don't give your time
to such a soul
who lacks a spine.


  Everything seems to be crashing pouring
          N  like hail
are you listening or not
denting my psyche
time runs by
looking seeking the unprepared
to crash like a speeding train


  I am a dragon
strong  proud  powerful
if you touch me
if you bruise me
if you scuff upon my heart
I could breathe my fiery breath
and you'd vaporize
but instead
I hold my tongue
and perform a pre-death self-cremation
from the inside out


  sudden cold
a shiver ripples through my veins
but i am too cold unfeeling inhuman
to understand this possession
until it is too late
and i have become what i despise
and it becomes my electricity
my drug of choice
and there is no cold turkey