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Letter From an Eating Disorder

Hello, my name is E.D. You invited me in a long time ago, and I guess I'm overstaying my welcome. Well, come to think of it, I invited myself in, and you obliged, because I made you feel secure, confident, and powerful.

Now, I have made you my home. I need you and you need me. I will tell you horrible things and confirm all your self-doubts. Your hunger and emptiness weakens you, feeding me. Your fear allows for my bravery. Your fragility gives me strength. Your losses are my gains. Your defeat is my triumph.

Yesterday, I ate the calcium from your bones for breakfast, leaving you with a brittle, fragile frame. All day I snacked on the bile and mucous lining of your stomach, leaving you with ulcers that cramped and bled. For lunch, I had your sense of balance, leaving you dizzy and light headed. For dinner I scarped off what little muscle you had left, and sucked up every drop of water, leaving you dangerously dehydratd and disoriented. I have long since consumed the buffer of your emotions, gobbling up your happiness, confidence, laughter, joy, security...

Tonight, I will nibble at your memories, leaving you confused and without a past----soon without a future. I will nibble at the corners of your mind and snack on the muscle of your heart until I have won and you have lost. For breakfast, I will have your last breath of life.

Author unknown

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