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Skaters and eating disorders: questionnaire

If you or someone you know either struggles with or has been in recovery for an eating disorder, or if you have any thoughts or feelings about the issue of weight in the world of figure skating, your input on this questionnaire would be most helpful. The submission form has been fixed and the webmaster will get back to you if you provide an e-mail address and express a desire for an answer.

1. Which of the following applies to you?

(if you answered A. or B., please move on to question 4)

2. If you have/used to have issues or concerns with weight or eating, which one is/was it?

3. If you have/used to have an eating disorder, were you ever formally diagnosed, or did you seek treatment?

4. Has anyone you've skated with ever struggled with an eating disorder?

5. Has your coach ever mentioned the issue of weight to you?

6. Has a coach ever threatened to pull you out of a competition or show if you did not do something about your weight? Or have you otherwise been discriminated against for weight/size reasons (not getting a solo position, not making a team, etc.)?

7. Has a fellow skater ever mentioned the issue of weight to you?

8. Do you think male skaters get eating disorders, too?

9. Do you think eating disorders are a big concern for skaters?

Optional questions
Would you be interested in submitting anything to this site, such as "your story," or your art or poetry?

Do you think that your national governing body (US Figure Skating, ISI, Skate Canada, etc.) is doing enough to address the issue of eating disorders?

Your name (optional)

Your e-mail (if you would like a response)