1. Which of the following applies to you?
---Choose one--- A. I have a healthy relationship with food B. I have some food or weight "issues," but it doesn't control my life C. I don't have an eating disorder, but I am on a diet/watching my weight
D. I have recovered from an eating disorder E. I am currently in recovery from an eating disorder F. I'm currently still struggling with an eating disorder G. I'm not sure but I THINK I may have an eating disorder H. People have expressed concerns about my weight/eating, but I think they're full of crap
(if you answered A. or B., please move on to question 4)
2. If you have/used to have issues or concerns with weight or eating, which one is/was it?
---Choose one--- Anorexia Nervosa (either type) Bulimia Nervosa (either type) Combination anorexia/bulimia (not a formal diagnosis) Compulsive exercise alone (not a formal diagnosis) Orthorexia (not a formal diagnosis) Binge eating disorder My formal diagnosis is/was ED-NOS My eating is/was disordered, but I'm not sure what category it would fall into Ocassional use of laxatives/vomiting/diuretics/diet pills for weight control Whatever, it is/was just a diet
3. If you have/used to have an eating disorder, were you ever formally diagnosed, or did you seek treatment?
---Choose one--- I was in treatment before and received a diagnosis I was in treatment but did not receive a diagnosis I am currently in treatment and have been diagnosed I am in treatment and have NOT been diagnosed I have never sought treatment nor received a diagnosis What the heck are you talking about?
4. Has anyone you've skated with ever struggled with an eating disorder?
---Choose one--- Yes, actually, quite a few! Yes, I've known one or two Nah, just some overzealous dieters No, not to my knowledge I don't skate
5. Has your coach ever mentioned the issue of weight to you?
---Choose one--- No, that has never come up. Yes, but he/she was only warning me about the dangers of EDs There have been some passing references but no direct confrontation He/she told me I might want to lose some weight, but to see a doctor He/she simply told me I needed to lose weight He/she was talking about another skater, not me I don't have a coach
6. Has a coach ever threatened to pull you out of a competition or show if you did not do something about your weight? Or have you otherwise been discriminated against for weight/size reasons (not getting a solo position, not making a team, etc.)?
---Choose one--- No way! My coach would never do something like that No, but I've seen him/her do it to another skater No threat was made, but I believe the coach discriminated against me because of weight or size Yes, he/she said I had to LOSE weight or I'd be pulled
Yes, but he/she wanted me to GAIN weight for health reasons
No, but concern was expressed for health issues such as my use of laxatives, etc., or restrictive eating habits Not applicable
7. Has a fellow skater ever mentioned the issue of weight to you?
---Choose one--- No, that has never come up. He/she warned me about the dangers of EDs He/she told me and/or alluded to the fact that I needed to lose weight Yes, but he/she was talking about him/herself Yes, but he/she was talking about another skater
8. Do you think male skaters get eating disorders, too?
---Choose one--- Yeah, right! Why would a guy want to lose weight? I think it's more likely that a guy would develop "bigorexia" I haven't known any, but I'm sure it's possible Yes, I have known a male skater with an ED I *am* a male skater with an ED!
9. Do you think eating disorders are a big concern for skaters?
---Choose one--- No, it's not that big of an issue It's definitely an issue, but nothing too major Yes, it is a HUGE issue, and more should be done about it!
Optional questions
Would you be interested in submitting anything to this site, such as "your story," or your art or poetry?
---Choose one--- Yes, please e-mail me No thank you
Do you think that your national governing body (US Figure Skating, ISI, Skate Canada, etc.) is doing enough to address the issue of eating disorders?
---Choose one--- Yes, I think they're doing plenty They help a bit, but there's so much more they could be doing What they are doing isn't helping at all, they're kidding themselves I don't think the governing bodies should be obligated to do anything I'm really not sure
Your name (optional)
Your e-mail (if you would like a response)