Includes information on general nutrition, skating-specific nutritional requirements, and the female athlete triad.
Eating disorders
Personal experience and outside resources about anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders, dispeling the myths about these disorders, and what we can do about this huge issue in our sport.
Foot care...Link to Foot Health Network
Site includes a question and answer area, a news area and the
opportunity to participate in live chats online with podiatrists, orthopedists, pedorthists, professional athletes and more.
Sports Medicine
Links and resources related to sports medicine, injury prevention, and treatment.
When inside pain is turned inside out. General information about self-injury/self-incflicted violence, strategies for coping, and valuable resources for the sufferer and support people.
Mental health...Links to various mental health resources
Links and resources on mental health issues and psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, dissociation, personality disorders, and more.
Skater's support forum
Therapists and support groups don't always understand skating, and fellow skaters don't always understand mental health concerns. Need to talk about both?