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Poem by "Kisses"

Submitted by a visitor to the FSRI site

Got Life?

I slap myself
But I'm already dead.
The red mark comes as a shock.
I do it again!
My body's telling me my cheek tingles.
Am I actually alive?
Once again the smacking sound of my hand and cheek meeting
Bounces and echos through my bare walls.
My cheek feels a stinging sensation.
How wonderful!
Harder! Harder!
Harder my body screams.
For once it responds to something.
How could I now deny it pleasure?
The pleasure with knowing that pain only comes when you're alive.
More! More!
More my body screams.
My cheeks are red;
My hands feel slightly sore.
For a short, brief moment,
I believe I am real.

by "Kisses"

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