Part 3 (Jen)


“So you mean to tell me you’re from Fire?  I thought that it was a three-day boat trip from here,” Jen’s confusion showing plainly on her face.  “What would make you come all the way over to the mainland?”

            Quatre could only shrug almost causing the last of his tea to spill on himself.  He was still trembling from the shock of the afternoon.  The girls, however, looked as though it was the best day of their lives—minus the bruises and bumps of course.  “Guess I just felt it.”

            “I love that voodoo that you do so well…” Danae sings.

            “I’m serious,” he almost yells, tears brimming at the corners of his eyes.

            Abdul senses his master’s frustration and immediately intervenes, “You’re from around here, does that mean that there’s a town nearby?”

            “Well of course there is, Trabia is only half a days walk from here,” Danae responds.

“Trabia?  Abdul!  We’ve finally made it!”

“Never seen someone act that way before about arriving in rundown, scum infested home sweet home.”  Jen and Duo look at the girl and smile.

“Dani, we need to pick someone up some new clothes.”

“Do you expect me to go into town like this?!?”  Duo screams.

“Speaking of new clothes, Jen…”  Danae pokes at Jen’s less then elegant attire.

“What?  You think that…hold on,” she starts pulling off the well-mended shroud while she speaks, muffling her words.  Everyone else in the camp diverts their eyes, not knowing what to expect from the girl who ate a praying mantis on the journey back to meager shelter.  “I may have been raised by bandits, but that doesn’t mean I always have to look like trash.”

            “Dammit Jen, why didn’t you tell me that being a bandit pays so well?”  Danae questions looking over Jen’s new look. 

            “Because if everyone knew then everyone would want to be one.  You know what kind of turmoil that’d create?”  She straightens her belt and pulls her hair back in a ponytail.  “There’d be havoc in the streets.  Dogs and cats would be living together in harmony…”

            Duo carefully returns his attention to the girls, prepared to look away at the slightest glimpse of too much flesh.  He is shocked to find Jen wearing obviously expensive leather pants and a wrap-around blue top.  Recalling what she was wearing previously, he had no idea that she was anything more then a stick figure with a head, now…well now, she was a woman.  Her bow is attached to the thick belt, suspended from her right hip.  She pulls the make-shift arrow sleeve that allows her easy access to her ammunition during a fight off.  “Damn girl…how can you go around wearing so much clothing?  Not to mention…”  he points at her bow.  “How do you sit with that thing?”

            “It’s not as bad as you would think.  Anyways, we can’t go back into town right now.”

            “Why is that?’ Quatre questions, obviously upset at the thought of not leaving right away.

            “Because it is the middle of the night and I’m tired.  Not to mention I got my head clobbered by the baka who will remain nameless.”

            “*cough*Ahmir*cough*” Danae adds playfully.  Ahmir is presently rocking on his heels in the corner, sucking his thumb.

            “I hate to ask, but what exactly did you do to Ahmir, Rashid?”

            “I simply taught him a valuable lesson, but he’s been like that since we found the girls in the forest.”

            “You mean after you attacked him?”

            ‘Master Quatre, I did not attack Ahmir.  He was filling your head with lies.  I felt it best for you if I took direct action to prevent you further harm.”

            “Rashid, you did that for me?” tears once again filling the blond’s eyes.

            “You know what, he’s worse then a chick with those waterworks.” Jen whispers to Danae.

            “Wish I could turn mine on that fast, I could have gotten out of that galloping ticket.”

            “Ladies and big dude, I hate to bring this to your attention since it’s already brought me years worth of embarrassment and ridicule, but I –am- mostly naked.”

            “I must ask you Duo, whatever did happen to your clothes?” Jen asks stifling a giggle.

            “I assume you had something to do with this?  Or did my clothes grow a personality, get bored, and walk away?”

            “I’ll take C, the nasty underwear gnomes found your clothes and decided to use them to jumpstart their underwear empire.”  Danae adds falling over.

            “I don’t see what’s so funny.”

            “Oh lighten up.  But if it’s any conciliation, we had nothing to do with your missing clothes,” She states picking herself off the floor.

            “You both are impossible!” he yells storming off.

            “Guess he didn’t believe me.”

            “No offense, but I don’t think I would believe you had I been in his current condition.  But I’ll give him some clothes to wear for the time being.” Quatre offered.

            “Thanks a lot.  Now if that’s settled, I’ll be getting to bed.”  A sigh of exhaustion escapes from everyone as sleep overtakes their weary bodies.



Jen awakes from a dream, a layer of cold sweat covering her body.  She tries to shake off what remains of the nightmare, but her trembling form won’t allow it.  Finally giving up all prospects of returning to sleep, she carefully steps over the sleeping forms to exit the camp.  Once outside, her thin nightclothes allow the cold wind to pass right through, but she pretends not to notice.  After a short walk away from the shelter she sits down with her back against a tall chestnut tree.  The dream was the same one she’s been having for a long time, playing repeatedly through her tortured mind.  She hasn’t told anyone about the visions that plague her nights and rob her of her sleep.  Upon hearing footsteps approaching she resumes her poker face, a face that can sometimes even fool her at times.  She straightens out her clothing as Quatre approaches.  “Hey there,” she greets him.

            “I heard you get up so I thought that I would come see how you’re doing.”

            “I’m fine, really.”

            “I know that you’re not being truthful.”

            “It’s nothing, just a bad dream.”

            “Nightmares can come from a restless mind,” He waits for Jen to reply, when she doesn’t he adds, “Want to talk about it?”

            “Not especially.”

            “It’s something about your past isn’t it?”  He knows he is right when her eyes travel down to her feet.  “A bad past doesn’t make a bad person.”

            “I know that, but if you knew what I went through...” She hugs her knees to her chest.  “I’m not normal anymore.”

            “Who’s to say what is normal.”

            “Normal people don’t wish for death.  Normal people can look back on their lives and see some good in it.  All I see is a young girl who was violated and imprisoned for the amusement of criminals.  A girl who has no right or want to continue living.”

            “You do have something to live for.  Those people inside that tent need your help.  They don’t care who you were before, all they know is that you’re a good person who will try your hardest in order to see them succeed.  It’s a tragedy what happened to you in the past, no one should have to live through that kind of humiliation, but you did and you survived.  You’re finally free of that, why wish for death when the only reason you long for it is in the past?”

            “I know you’re right, but the day I was taken…I still dream about it at night.  Dani and I were walking along the path that day, the same path we had taken countless times before.  But that day, the bandits ambushed us.  They grabbed me, but Dani got away.  They tied me up and took me back to a cave in the wood where their base was set up.  I was their fucking trophy, just something to take back and show the boss.  But before they had to toy with me, make my humiliation total.  I was no longer an innocent young girl, they had seen to that.

            “I had always wanted my first time to be special, instead it was done in front of at least twenty other men.”  She pauses for a moment, unsure of whether to continue or not.  She had already told Quatre more that anyone else before, but he was so easy to talk to that she feels compelled to tell him the whole story.  “Once they finally got around to showing me to their boss, I was a mess.  I could barely stand by myself and I couldn’t speak.  I looked as though death had roughed me up.  I was thrown to the feet of the bandit leader, Nigel, causing me to finally pass out from the exhaustion of supporting myself.  When I woke up I found out the Nigel had took pity on me and had me nursed back to health, but in return I was to serve him.  That was the first time I tried to kill myself.  They caught me before I could do some serious damage, but it kept them on their guard.  I thought that serving him Nigel would include romps between the sheets, but he had other things in store for me.

            “After proving that I wouldn’t try and kill myself again, I was allowed to learn the bandit ways in my meager amount of spare time.  The rest of the time I would help Nigel keep track of all the members of the clan and how much loot they brought in.  It was Nigel who gave me my first bow, although he wasn’t the one who taught me how to shoot it.  My father showed me how before I was taken.  During the next few years I was able to perfect me technique, but also learn new hints from the other bandits.

            “After a couple of years I had finally won the trust of Nigel and the other bandits, and that’s when I became a bandit myself.  I was given the choice to stay with them or to go back to my home.  But I couldn’t see myself going back the family I had lost.  Kind of ironic how things work.  At first I thought them nothing more then lowlife thieves, but then I became a part of them, joined their world.  Not to mention Nigel became like a father to me: teaching me, sheltering me, protecting me.”

            “What made you leave?”  He can tell that the question struck her hard and he wasn’t sure she would actually answer it

“Nigel’s dead.  There was a revolt among some of the senior members and they killed him.  Said he was taking advantage of them.  I know that he wasn’t, I kept the books, but they wouldn’t listen to the likes of me.  They made me watch it.  After Nigel breathed his last breath they came after me.  Called me his little whore.  Said that I was in on it to, therefore I must die as well. 

“I ran back to our shared dwelling and grabbed my bow.  It was the last and only thing that Nigel had ever given me.  I got out of there as fast as I could.  I had to fight those bastards all the way to town: they kept ambushing me, so in turn I had to fight for my life.  I’ve been wandering ever since.  I was completely alone until just today when I came upon Trabia and was reunited with my long-lost childhood friend.”


“Yeah, Dani and I grew up together.  She was my lifeline, as I was hers.  I really hadn’t had any hopes that I’d ever meet her again, but because Duo was so damn persistent…”

“We should get back to bed.”

“I second that motion.” Danae says from behind the shadows.

“Dammit Dani, how long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to know what my best bud has gone through since we last saw each other.  But that’s a topic for another day, let’s get to bed.”



            The sun did not rise on a happy bunch of people.  Jen and Danae feel as though they are hung over…again.  Duo is recalling the events of the previous day and blushing profusely.  Quatre is gulping down tea in order to keep himself awake after being up half the night.  Rashid is still embarrassed at the fact that he couldn’t keep Ahmir in line the previous day.  And Ahmir…well, Ahmir was the only one who looked even remotely like he wanted to be alive.

            “Shall we head off to town then.” Quatre utters.

            “Ohhhh, town!  I’m so excited.  Are there leprechauns in this town?” Ahmir chimes.

            “What the hell are you talking about?” Danae questions while rubbing her temples, clearly annoyed at the childish inquiry.

            “I heard that Trabia is known for the leprechauns that run around the streets during the day.”

            “Are you smoking crack or are you just naturally this stupid?  The only thing that runs around the streets of Trabia is peddlers, thieves, and the scum of the earth.  Nothing remotely like leprechauns unless you consider Duo.”

            “Hey!” Duo pouts.  “Not like you’re the most attractive thing around these parts either.”

            “Wanna say that again!” she threatens.

            “Now, now children.  Let’s not get into a fistfight.  Plus I’m sure Danae could kick your ass Duo.” Jen intervenes.

            “Is that why you like him?”

            “Iie!  What the hell are you talking about?!?”

            “Oh come on Jen, you are an open book.”

            “We better get to town before we run out of daylight bickering.”  Rashid shakes his head ‘I really hope they go away soon, I don’t know how much more of this I can take’. 

            “Rashid is right, plus we need more tea anyways.” 

            “Thank you master Quatre.”



            After the camp was packed, the group set out through the forest in the general direction of Trabia.  It wasn’t long before they heard a chuckle from the canopy.  Both girls ready their weapons and Rashid pushes Quatre behind him.

            “Who’s there?” Rashid’s husky voice questions to the unmoving treetops above.  “Come out!”

            “Fine.”  The agile figure appears and somersaults to the ground.

            “Great, now she’s too close, I can’t get a shot in.” Jen whines as she lowers her bow.

            “You wouldn’t be able to hit me anyways.” The girl responds.

            There is a thunk as another body hits the ground behind the group.

            “My my, isn’t this amusing.  I was beginning to fear that this morning would be unprofitable.”  The second girl chimes.

            “And I thought I was the bandit around here.” Jen pouts.

            “Oh, we aren’t bandits.”

            “So you’re just here to annoy us to death.”

            “Don’t make me mad.”

            “Or you’ll what, stab me with that chopstick in your head?”

            “It’s not in my head, it’s holding up my hair.  And anyways…dammit!  Just shut up and let me be the smart ass.”

            Jen puts up her arms defensively.  “If you want to play bandit that’s fine with me.”

            “Enough!  Now if you’ll just be so kind as to hand over your valuables, we won’t hurt you.”  The original girl looks agitated.

            “I’m so scared…what are you going to attack us with?”

            “Unlike the sissy people you are, we fight with our hands.”

            “Rashid, take care of these two will you?”

            “My pleasure Master Quatre.”

            The two bandits look at each other before completely breaking into laughter.

            “What did I say?”

            “No offense, but that kid is jailbait.” One of the girls says between gasps for breath. 

            “Not –THAT- kind of master!”

            “Yeah sure, whatever you say.”

            A third figure drops from the trees.  “Sorry I’m late.”

            “Dammit BiBi, must you always come late to every single heist?? “

            BiBi flings back her long, unbound hair, “I like to make an entrance.  Something you might think about Riva.  I know that you always flop down behind them just so they don’t see your ungraceful landing skills.”

            “BiBi!  Not in front of the victims!” Riva screams.

            “Knock it off you two.  We still have to plunder these poor unsuspecting travelers.”

            “But Tey!” They whine in unison.

            “Now, if you’ll hand over your money…” she takes a step forward only to trip on a branch and land face first into the soft mud.

            The supposed victims all break out into laughter at the would-be robber.

            “Hey Duo, do they remind you of someone?” Jen smirks.

            Duo’s face turns a bright crimson.  “How was I supposed to know I was ripping off a bandit?”

            “Who’s a bandit?” Riva asks.

            Jen knocks Duo on the back of his head. “Sure, let’s let the entire world know shall we?”

            “You’re the one who brought it up.”

            “Shall I just wear a sign from now on saying don’t try and rip me off cuz I‘ll kick your ass?”

            “You’re a bandit?” Riva asks, getting impatient that she’s being ignored.

            “Yes I’m a bandit.  Shall I write it in the sky?  Look out, Jen’s a bandit!  Be afraid!  Be very afraid!”

            “Aren’t you being a bit melodramatic?”  Danae interjects.

            “Hey BiBi, you think it’s her?”

            “It might be.”

            “What do you mean, is it her?  I didn’t think I had that bad of a reputation.” Jen looks over at Danae who can only shrug.

            “It must be her.” Tey states finally picking herself up and removing the dirt from her face.

            “Would you guys please explain.”

            “We heard that they’re looking for an ex-bandit from the Sainsu region.  Girl about the age of 19, looks like she’s 12.  Shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and carries a big bow.  Bounty of 4,000 on her head.”

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about.  You must have mistaken me for some other ex-bandit with brown hair, eyes, carries a bow, and looks like she’s 7 years younger then she actually is.”

            “Oh no!” BiBi cries.

            “What, what is it?” Riva inquires.

            “I got mud on my pants!”

            “You are hopeless.  Anyways, it would be nice to take her in and collect that bounty.  We wouldn’t have to highjack unsuspecting people in the forest anymore.  We could live in a big house by the sea and have men wait on us day and night.  We could take baths every single day.” 

            All eyes divert to Duo who is still wearing a bit of mud from yesterday’s misadventures. “What?”

            “Hey, were you that guy who we saw at the pond yesterday washing yourself and mumbling about your girlfriend?”

            “You, you saw that?!?  I wasn’t complaining about my girlfriend either!”

            “Sure you weren’t.  Just like we didn’t steal your clothes.”

            “It was you guys who took it?”

            “Told you we were innocent.” Danae mumbles.

            “Are you guys really going to try and take me in?” Jen inquires of the three.

            “Nah, we heard why they were after you.  They’re just a bunch of pigs anyways.”

            “So what now?”

            “I still need more tea.” Quatre adds with a slight amount of tears.

            “Let’s get to town before we meet up with anymore…uh, nice people.” Rashid adds while secretly hoping for the earth to open up and swallow them into a dark abyss.

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