She was running away.  Why didn't she remember what happened between the time she was enjoying her teenage life and waking up surrounded by white lab coats.  Where the hell was she anyways?   Nothing looked even remotely familiar.  The streets filled with filth and small children.  The air smelled thickly of smog.  Sunlight filtered through an obviously large amount of dust particles in the air.  If it wasn't for the sky she wouldn't know which way was up. 

She didn't know why she ran away so quickly.  They hadn't even given her any answers before she escaped.  But the feeling she got was not a welcoming one.  Who knows what they had in store for her.  Strange men with unknown sharp devises can never be trusted.  So she had left that sterile building and exited into location that she had no recollection of. 

Noticing a slow moving car approaching she ducked around the corner of the closest building and hugged the wall till it passed. 

"Looks like your hiding out." A voice stated matter-of-factly. 

Startled, she jumped and prepared to defend herself from the unknown character.  It was a boy probably about the same age as she, his defining long braid made her second guess her first presumption, but the more she studied him the more she could tell she was correct. 

Duo placed his arms up palms toward the strange girl.  "Hey, I'm not looking for any trouble right now, so why don't you put your fists down."  She looked different to him for some reason.  Almost like she didn't belong. 

"Um, sorry.  Just a little edgy right now."  Although she sensed that he was being genuine she still couldn't put her arms down, they just didn't want to move.  She had too much excitement during the past few days and she didn't know if she should allow her guard down.

He sensed her relaxing and took the cue to gently push her arms down.  "What's a girl like you doing in around here, looking for fights?"

"I don't really know.  I just remember waking up in a place...."

"Not another amnesiac."

"No, can't be.  I remember almost everything from before.  I know my name, where I live, everything I remember.  Except how I got here."  She was fighting for her composure.  Last thing he wanted to see was tears.

"Ok then, let's start with the basics."

"My name is Alex, I'm from California."

"Okay Alex from California, what was the last thing you remember before waking up."

"I was in the car with my sister and...oh my god."

"What happened?"

"We got into an accident.  There was a truck and we swerved.  That's all I know."

"Are you hurt anywhere?  Bruised, broken at all?"

"I feel perfectly fine, almost normal."

Duo thought to himself ‘if this is normal I'd hate to see her when she's having a bad day’.  Just then she spotted another car searching down the street.

"We better move, I don't know why they want me, and I don't intend on finding out."

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