Part 10

  The pilots had just entered the Oz compound when the alarms sounded, reverberating through the halls.

"Shit, do you think they know about us?" Duo questioned.

Heero held his hand up silencing the braided boy.  He listened intently to guards’ voices wafting over from other areas of the building. "Not us, seems she's causing some trouble."

"We should lay low.  Let's let Oz do the work for us."

"She's scared." Quatre responded causing the other three boys to stare at him.  He closed his eyes and dropped his head, "She's confused, alone, and most of all scared.  She may seem dangerous, but beneath all that she is still a young girl."

"What if she-wolf gets away from Oz?  Do we drag out the blood hounds?"

"Hopefully it won’t come to that."

  Alex was surrounded.  How it happened she did not know.  Blindly, she had run right into the middle of a trap.  Ten soldiers surrounded her but they still kept their distance. ‘Smart men’ she thought.

Without any prior indications they attacked her all at once.  The first one she could grab landed on his head ten feet away.  She clawed, kicked, and bit at the remaining predators, but they were too strong of a force for her.

A stun gun was jammed into her side.  She screeched as the painful current rocked through her body.  She felt the fire inside her ignite the last of her rational thought.  Fighting for her life, she struggled.  They shocked her again and again until the blackness finally overcame.

  Two soldiers drug the limp body of Alex into a small padded cell.

"For a little girl she sure packs a punch."  One soldier stated looking at the memento she left on his arm.  "Wonder if she's got rabies."

"We should have just put her out of her misery." The other replied dropping Alex onto the cement floor.

"His excellency made it quite clear that she's suppose to live.  Wonder why he cares so much about some kid."

"Maybe he's got the hots for our street trash here." Both men laughed as the closed the cell door behind them.

  The gundam pilots had made their way into a small control room.  Heero entered first.  Quatre brought up the rear noting the supine soldiers as he passed.  They all watched as the perfect soldier's fingers methodically hacked into Oz's mainframe and pulled up the required information.

"They did catch her.  Wonder how much brute force that took?" Duo wondered whimsically.

"Don't you think it's odd that she turned on them?" Trowa inquired.

"All I know is they saved us a lot of work so let's get to it."

"She's being held in cell block C.  Follow me." Heero retorted after disregarding the previous conversation.

The group slinked through the hallways arriving at the heavily guarded C block.  Quatre motioned a plan out with his hands causing the pilots to quickly separate.  The battle was executed perfectly as each boy took out a soldier or two with deadly precision.

Approaching Alex's holding, they could hear a muffled thumping.  Duo glanced through a small window in the door, mouth gaping, as Alex rhythmically ran her body into a padded wall.  Her eyes radiated anger and frustration.

"Well Quatre.  I think you're the obvious person to go in there." Duo stated pushing the blond towards the door handle.

Quatre could only stare blankly at the door listening to the pounding against the wall as he was pushed closer.

"You must go in there with only pure thoughts.  She'll see right through you.  Make sure you react quickly to her changing emotions.  If you sense her doubting, reassure her.  The only way we can get her out of here is by her own free will." Trowa's eyes were closed as he made the remark so as not to see the worry on his friend's face.

Quatre slowly nodded.  He needed to do this.  But why did he feel as if he was walking into the lion's den?

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