Part 12

  "She's of relation to you?" Trowa demanded looking deeply disturbed.

"Yes, distant through it may be."  It amused Treize that the boys didn't figure that little fact out on their own.  "Kayla Reece, Alex’s sister, had one illegitimate child before she died, a son named Rom.  He grew up with a foster family and later worked his way into the top ranks within Oz never suspecting his true lineage...until the day he killed his mother.  She had sabotaged one of the ships being sent off to attack the second colony that was being built.  Rom ran her through with his sword for her treason.  As she layed there bleeding she confessed what she had done to him and that she truly was his mother.  He wept over her body for days.  He then took on his grandmother's maiden name, Khushrenada.  So you see, I am one of Kayla Reece's direct descendants."

Alex looked at the man as if he was speaking another language.  His words had meaning, but she couldn't figure it out.  All she knew was that she could smell how he was feeling.  Pompous, arrogant bastard.  He was lying to them, she didn't know exactly what he was deceiving them about, but at least part of what he said was untrue.  She could taste his deception.

Quatre felt the girl's muscles tighten up in his grasp.  He had a very bad feeling about this situation.

"What exactly are you expecting here?  Do you think we're going to give the girl up to you?" Heero inquired giving the older man a glare.

"I'm only expecting you to do the best thing for my dear great aunt.  Give her to me."

"I'm afraid we can't do that." Duo interjected moving in front of Quatre and Alex.  "As you can see she would rather come with us.  Seeing as your outnumbered I'm sure you can see the logic in just turning around with your tail firmly planted between your legs and get out of here."

Treize sighted his gun right to the middle of the braided pilot's temple.  Both sets of eyes trained on each other, neither faltering.  Their gazes so intense on one another that it seemed there was no one else with them, no walls surrounding them.  He didn't know what hit him.

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