Part 13

  Before she knew what she was doing, Alex was on the move.  Not thinking, just reacting.  Power surged through her muscles as she trampled Duo from behind.  She used his form to launch herself into the path of the gun.  Treize had no time to think as the body pushed him backwards, his finger reflexively pulling the trigger.

At such close range the impact of the bullet threw Alex back.  Blood seeped out of the wound that went straight through her abdomen.  Seemingly unfazed she launched another attack, tearing at her ungrateful grandnephew's face.  Her strength quickly faded as more of her life drained out through her wound.  The voices yelling at her to stop seemed to whirl around her head...fuzzy words.  She could feel the hands grabbing her, but she resisted until something jammed itself so hard into her stomach that she doubled over.  Blackness formed around the perimeter of her vision, but she was determined not to succumb.  She fought the arms pulling her, trying once again to claw at the throat of her prey.  She almost succeeded until she was hit once again and the darkness surrounded the pain.

  Heero almost felt bad about punching the girl twice, but it was the only way they could get her out and get the medical treatment she needed.  She didn't need to die in vain.  It would be smooth sailing to get out of the compound unnoticed since Treize had made his little excursion privately.  Now he lay unconscious on the floor. 

Heero had the girl slung over his shoulder, her blood seeping into the fibers of his shirt. The group had finished passing through a small corridor and was almost out of the Oz compound when Alex awoke.  She stayed limp over the shoulder of the boy carrying her, but a scent caught her nostrils attention.  She jammed her thigh into Heero's sternum, causing him to lose his wind and crumple under her weight.  Landing on her hands and feet she followed that scent.  She darted off down the hallway as the pilots stood stunned at the recent activity.

"That girl is probably more trouble then she's worth." Duo exclaimed helping the perfect soldier back to his feet.  “She’s bleeding like a stuck pig and yet she runs off.  Maybe we should just leave her.”

"I have a feeling she's found what she was looking for."  Quatre replied.


(Alex's POV)

  I fling open the door that blocks me from my destination.  I feel weak, but I press on.  The amber light beckons me forward.  You can see the effects from the waves on the walls where the light gently touches.  She looks so beautiful.  Preserved in such a peaceful pose.  I feel serenity wash over me.  She had aged quite a bit since I had last seen her.  A flowing white gown drapes over her and is slightly kissed by the small current.  Her body forever set in the position of peace and tranquility.  Her eyes are closed and her hands forever placed in a position of prayer.  'What are you praying for my sister? Are you praying for the souls you sent to their final destination?  Or your own soul which you sold to Satan so many years ago.'

I can see the place in her belly where the sword had punctured her.  I look down at my own wound.  'Life does have its irony.' 

I fall on my knees looking as though I'm worshipping the long dead deity.  But silently I'm cursing her.  Cursing her for causing me this pain.  For bringing me back to life only to find out that the one person I truly loved had betrayed me.

(3rd person)

Quatre entered the room alone, the other pilots knowing that their presence would only cause more problems.  Alex was still in her cherubic position.  He crossed the threshold and kneeled beside her bowing his head.  He didn't need to say a word; she could feel every sentiment that he felt.  She closed her eyes.  "Thank you, for saving my soul Quatre."  Those were the last words she ever spoke.

  The day is sunny with a steady, frail wind blowing.  No one cries at this funeral.  When the soul is so joyously released, there is no room for tears.  A poem is heard from a meek voice...

  Like wings in the wind,

Fly high above


Flow on a sea of air.


Touch the heavens,

Rise above

The Earthly cares

That hold you down.


Tainted is the song

Of refuge.

Stand tall proud warrior,

Head held high.


Beckoning is the past,

The life once known

Enfolds me

Strength and security.


Turn away

Face the unknown,

Destiny calls.


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