Part 2

Duo pulled open the door to an abandoned warehouse and motioned for Alex to enter.  Small beams of light entered from between boards covering the lofty windows.  The air was stale from misuse.  Alex walked by a table dragging her fingers through layers of dust leaving tortured streaks against the ghostly backdrop.

She hopped on to the table and looked at the almost gothic looking boy. "Thanks for helping me."

"Don't mention it.  I know what it's like to be on the run." He crossed his arms across his chest. "Name's Duo by the way.  Any idea why those guys are so interested in you?"

Alex cast her eyes down at her fidgeting hands. "I'm not really sure.  I'm not sure about anything right now.  I don't even know what day it is."

"That's easy enough to remedy.  It's March the fifth."

"March?  Are you sure?"

"Hmm, maybe you did hit your head in that crash."

"March...could I have possibly been unconscious eight months?"

"Anything’s possible" he stated remembering the time that Heero self detonated and actually survived.

"My family must be worried sick.  Oh God, what happened to my sister?"

"Calm down, we'll help you find them."


"Yeah, my buddies and I will help you."

"I don't know what to say."

"Don't worry, we'll have you back where you belong before you can say mobile doll."

"Mobile what?"

"Mobile doll, it's a mobile suit that doesn't need a pilot."

"What's a mobile suit?"

"You don't know what a mobile suit is?  But you said that you remember before, how could you forget something like what a mobile suit is?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything anymore."

"Tell you what, I'll show you mine and we'll see if that refreshes your memory.” Duo grabbed her hand and cautiously lead her outside.  Passing around the corner they entered a salvage yard.  "This…is a mobile suit."

Alex looked at the hulking form in front of her.  Even in a lying position she could see the immense size of the machine.  Where did they come up with the technology to create these beasts?  Where the hell was she?  Nothing in her entire life had prepared her for this...was she dreaming?  Her thoughts weren't coming clearly.  What is going on....

Duo turned just in time to watch Alex crumple down to the ground. "Didn't know you were that impressive now did you Deathscythe?"

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