Part 3

  When Alex came to she was in a new environment laying on an old, lumpy couch.  She sat up too quickly, causing a stabbing pain in her head.  She brought her hand to her neck and squinted at her eyes at the new surroundings.  The small apartment harbored too much computer equipment then should be allowed in a room so small.  The blinds were drawn closed tightly so the only light in the entire place came from monitors scattered around the room and the blinking lights on the CPUs.

She spied Duo looking over the shoulder of another boy; both were looking at a computer monitor.  Duo must have heard her moving because he turned around to look at her.  His face illuminated by the artificial colors of the screen.

"Morning sleeping beauty."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Only a couple of hours.  What happened to you anyways?"

"Just looking at that...machine.  I've never seen anything like it in my life."

"Grow up in a cave or something?"

"Are those things normal?"

"As normal as living in space."

"Living in space?"

"It's getting pretty annoying when you repeat everything that I say."

A voice came from the boy across the room, "leave her alone."

"I'm just trying to be a nice guy here."

"Duo, you’re not helping the present situation."  The other boy stepped away from the terminal, approaching a now flustered Alex. "Seems you have quite the past Alex Reese"

"I don't understand what you mean, and how did you know my last name?"

"Seems that Oz is very interested in you."

Alex glanced at Duo and then back at the new boy. "Who's Oz?"

"Oz isn't a who, it's an organization set upon totalitarianism of the entire universe."

"I've never heard of this Oz before."

"Rightfully so, since you have been dead for over one hundred years."

"Heero, are you sure that information you got is true?" Duo interjected.  "It's pretty obvious that she's alive."

"She was cryogenically frozen back in the year 2079 following a fatal car accident.  At least fatal for her."  Heero stated, barely even noticing Alex was still listening.

"She's going to faint again."

Both boys watched side by side as Alex crumpled over the arm of the couch.

"Heero, next time let me break the bad news.  Maybe I could have kept her awake."

"Seems to me that you didn't do a much better job earlier."

"How was I supposed to know that I got messed up with a dead chick?"

"Our next plan of action should be to figure out why she was thawed out now."

"Why don't you see if you can find anything else on the computer and I'll go get everyone else."

"I guess five heads are better then one and a half."

"Was that supposed to be funny?"

"Guess not"

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