Part 4

  Alex didn't want to open her eyes.  Could what that Heero guy said be true?  Had she actually died?  No, it couldn't possibly be true...she was fine, fine as always.  How could she have died, there wasn't a scratch on her. 

She could hear nervous whispering in the distance, the voice was new, but the tone was oddly soothing.  The low volume of the talking made it hard to decipher the words without considerable effort.

"Are you sure the shock wasn't too bad, Heero?" the new voice questioned.

"She's awake, ask her yourself."

Alex’s eyes popped had he known that she was awake?

"Good to see you up Alex, my name is Quatre," the blond boy stated as he sat down next to her. "You look much better now," He passed her a glass of water, "you've been through a lot today, hopefully this will make you feel a little more like yourself."

She took the glass and gratefully swallowed the cool, refreshing liquid.  She opened her mouth to thank the boy, but she found herself unable to speak.

"It's okay, I understand.  You don't know what to think right now."  He looked at her with such genuine concern. 

She took one last sip of water and found her voice, "Is it true?"  The words came sputtering out, "Did I die in that crash?"

"It is true, but please...we need your help if we're going to figure out how to help you."

She nodded in acceptance.

Heero made a mental note to mention to Duo about Quatre's luck with the girl. "I'm going to the medical facility closest to where she was found to see what I can find." He left without waiting for a reply.



"What year is it?"

"After Colony 195.  I know it's confusing, but it's been over two centuries since the time you remember." He took her hands in his causing her to look into his eyes. "But we're going to help you in any way that we can."

“What is this place?”

“Well, this apartment is Heero’s.  But outside these walls is a space colony.”

“You mean we’re in outer space?”

“Yes, but it’s completely safe.  People have lived on these colonies for many years without problems.  They were created to give people a new place to live that would be exactly like it was on Earth.”

Duo came crashing through the front door. "Time to leave kids!"

"How did they find us so fast?"

"Guess they want our girl real bad.  Let's move."

Quatre grabbed Alex's arm and pulled her to her feet. "Hope your legs work well enough to run,” he stated as they rushed out the door.

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