Part 5

  After two hours of ducking down alleys and between pedestrians, the trio finally felt safe enough to take a rest.   Alex felt ready to collapse from the effort, but she found herself being dragged along quite easily between the two boys.

"Hey Quatre, don't you have a base around here somewhere?" Duo inquired.

Quatre checked the scenery around them to get his bearings. "Yeah, it's about a mile west of here."

"Well, let's get there.  I could sure use a break."

Both looked at Alex and instantly wished they hadn't.  The gleam in her eyes was of pure evil.  Her breathing was ragged and harsh, a sly grin playing across her lips.

"Alex" Duo yelled into her face while snapping his fingers.  Instantaneously her expression changed back to being calm, just like it had been when she was sitting in the apartment conversing with Quatre.


"Do you have any idea what you were just doing?"

"I was just waiting for you guys to make a decision on where to go."

Duo glanced over at Quatre to make sure the blond was as confused as he was. "Maybe it was just a fluke?"

"I don't think so Duo, but let's get to some place safer," Quatre responded.


"Did I miss something?" Alex questioned as the boys pulled her along.

"Alex, have you ever had experiences when you forget a period of time?" Quatre questioned.


"Maybe I should give one of my sisters a call.  Just to make sure she's ok."



  After slipping in relatively easily Heero had hacked into the West Lake Medical Facilities database and had already found some information on Alex.  It wasn't much help, just simple charting...nothing about the reanimation process that she would have had to undergone.  He was about to turn to other sources when he noticed an attached file.  Upon opening it he discovered the horrible plan that was in store for the young girl.  He quickly copied the information onto a diskette and snuck out of the facility.  He knew that he had to get this information to the rest of the pilots as soon as possible, who knows what could happen...what she could do.

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