Part 8

(Alex's POV)

  I struggled against my restraints, four thin straps between me and my freedom.  That doctor who drugged me is sitting watching over me.  She's the only other person in the room, guess the boys left.  I let out a growl as I feel another surge flow through me.  It travels from deep within my abdomen radiating outward to my limbs where it seems to extend through each finger and toe.  I feel my pulse quicken as I start to imagine what I'll do to them.  Waves of hormones race through my veins heightening my senses to well beyond those of human capabilities.

The strength.

The power.

The sweet revenge.

They had to feel the pain that they had inflicted on me.  An eye for an eye.  I can taste blood as I unconsciously bite down hard on my tongue.  The thoughts of what I could do spinning through my brain.  Oh they were going to pay for what they did.


(3rd person)

Iria looked up from her medical text as Alex let out another inhuman sound.  She was worried to death.  Even when her brother was close to dying she wasn't this scared.  It wasn't that she was afraid of Alex dying, just of Alex in general.  Watching the girl struggle against the restraints, she almost felt sorry for her. 

She returned her attention to the text when she heard a loud ripping noise.  Looking up and reaching for a readied syringe, she watched Alex free herself from her bonds using strength that a girl her size couldn't possibly possess.  Iria's hand didn't make it to the needle before Alex's lightning fast speed rammed her back into the wall knocking the air out of her lungs. She gasped for life sustaining oxygen while Alex leaped out the door. 

By the time Iria made her way into the hallway Alex was already out of sight.  She quickly called security and made them aware of the situation.  She could hear an alarm raised and hoped that they would be able to catch her before she made her way out of the base.

  Voices...all around.  They weren't close, but with extra-auditory abilities she could hear them clearly.  As she passed around a corner she could feel the heaviness of gravity pushing her towards the ground.  Dropping to all fours she moved lightning quick, making use of unlit hallways.  She was the prey now, but that didn't seem right.  She was the hunter.  Her voice was supposed to cause the blood of other creatures to boil, mad with fear.    The end of the hallway...soldiers standing there. 

Turning the tide Alex rushed at them and crashed into the closest one, her shoulder collided into his ribcage with extreme force.  She could hear the cracking of the bones, the feel of the strong cage crushed into the soft organs, the scent of blood that made it's way up through his esophagus and out onto his lips.  The feeling couldn't be explained in her mind, it was so right.  Leaping off her victim she kept moving...out of the prison and into the jungle.

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