Setting: Break room.  Trowa, Zechs, Noin, and Une are sitting and “enjoying” extremely strong coffee a la Duo.

Noin: I’m sure that the duct tape will do the job.

Une: I’m not sure.

Trowa: Hn.

Zechs: It can’t be that hard to fix the problem.   I mean it doesn’t seem to be very detrimental to anyone, couldn’t you just live with it?

Noin: You try living with it.

<Enter Hilde>

Hilde: <fuming> I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!! 

Une: The Spam bandit strikes again.

Trowa: How did it happen this time?

Hilde: There I was minding my own business programming the EKG and next thing I

know I had…urgh!!  It was so nasty!

Une: I can’t believe he keeps doing that with that processed meat.  I mean it was bad enough when he filled our lockers with slime mold just to see how long it could live, but to do THAT with Spam??  It’s utterly ridiculous.

Zechs: No one ever said that Duo was normal in any way.

Hilde: But you would think that he could restrain himself and not torment us with canned


Trowa: I haven’t been bothered by it.

Noin: I bet you’re next on the hit list.  I can just image you’re reaction when that meat starts sliding down your skin.  All wet and slimy. 

Trowa:<shudders> Something must be done.

Une: I have an idea, but you’ll all have to be a bit conniving.

Hilde: When it comes to getting Duo back, I’ll be a little devil.

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