SCENE 12 (Beginning of Operation Payback)

Setting: Nurses station. Duo is hunched over a chart muttering about slivers when Hilde and Sally approach.

Sally: Hey Duo, heard you had a run in with someone’s tooshie.

Duo:<slumps> Thanks for reminding me.

Hilde: You know Duo, you’re the perfect nurse for those cases.

Duo: And what is that suppose to mean?

Hilde: Oh come on, we know how much you like wrinkles.

Sally: Look at your scrubs, do you even wash those things or do you wear them till they can walk by themselves?

Duo: That’s not even funny.

Hilde: Oh Duo-pooh, are you getting mad?

Duo:<sulking> No.

Sally:<pokes him> If I didn’t know any better I’d say he was really mad at us.

Hilde: I think you might be right Sally, he looks about ready to spit fire or maybe the pressure inside his head will keep increasing exponentially until his skull can’t contain it anymore and then we’ll be covered in brain matter.

Duo: Humpf <leaves>

Sally: You think he’s gonna go there?

Hilde: Where else would he go?

Sally: Let’s just hope that Une’s plan works.

Hilde: Has she ever let us down?

Sally: Well there was the Christmas fiasco.

Hilde: It would have been perfectly executed if oh braided one didn’t get his hair stuck in the mixer.

Sally: Why did he put it in there in the first place?

Hilde: Something about whipping it to make it softer, but who knows what he was thinking.

Sally: Shall we check up on the rest of the plan?

Hilde: Lets.

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