Setting: Men’s washroom.  Trowa and Zechs are performing their portion of operation payback.

<Theme from mission impossible>

Zechs: How do we know that he’ll come here?

Trowa: Because he always comes her whenever he gets extremely agitated.

Zechs: Are thos two really good enough to get “he who is ever so happy” mad?

Trowa: They find it amusing to see who can anger him faster.  Ok, we’re done; let’s get out of here before he comes.

<Both walk out the door>

Zechs: Speak of the devil.

Trowa: Act casual.

Zechs: Hi there Duo.

Duo: Not now. <Storms into bathroom>

Zechs: How long till he notices?

Trowa: Three…two…one.

Duo:<from bathroom> I’m gonna kill ya!!

<Enter Sally and Hilde>

Hilde: Everything ok?

Sally: <hears string of curses from bathroom> I’d say so.

Hilde: I’ll go tell Une that the mission was a success. <Leaves>

Trowa: I’ll have Wufei check in on him, I’m pretty sure that I’m the last person he wants to see right now. <leaves>

Sally: I’ll go call maintance. <leaves>

Zechs: <standing alone> Guess I’ll just stand here.

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