Setting: Nurses station. Time is 2000.  Everyone is reporting off to the night shift.

Duo: <walking awkward> I am gonna get you guys back.

Sally: Now what are you talking about?

Hilde: I have no clue. 

Duo: You know exactly what I’m talking about.

Trowa: It might have something to do with his new style of walking.

Duo: I can’t believe they got you in on this Trowa.  I would have thought that you of all people would stick up for me!

Trowa: “…?”

Duo: Guess you can’t count on anyone these days.

Wufei: What are you complaining about?  I had to see your…<shudders>

Duo: Hey!  I have a nice ass thank you very much.

Une: Hopefully you learned a lesson.

Duo: Nope, I’ll just have to get you all back next time.

Noin: Can’t wait, what will it be this time?  Sardines?

Une: Don’t give him ideas.

Quatre: This can only end in trouble.

Sally: Good thing our shift is over.

Hilde: Yeah sure, now we only have to start worrying the next time we come back to


Quatre: Well I said...

Sally: I bet you’re gonna be the next victim.

Hilde: Imagine the feeling of those gooey fish running down your skin. 

Trowa: It starts anew.

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