Setting: Exam room 2.  Sally and Quatre are working on the patient Duke Dermail.

Sally: Now Mr. Dermail you’re gonna have to stop moving or we can’t clean the wounds.

Dermail: That’s Duke Dermail to you missy!  Ouch!

Quatre: We must clean you up or you could get an infection and if that happens you’re

going to be in more pain than you are in now.

Dermail: <holding still> Well hurry it up then.

Sally: Maybe next time you wont pick a fight with your cat.

Dermail: He was looking so smug that I had to put him into his place.

Quatre: It’s a cat.

Dermail: Even cats have thoughts of world domination.

Quatre: And your kitty shows his need for dominance how?

Dermail: He pisses in my favorite chair and claws up my dirty magazines.

Sally: <sweatdrop> Ever considered getting him neutered?

Dermail: <covers his crotch> I would never consider taking away his manhood!

Sally: It was just a suggestion.

Dermail: Keep any other suggestions to yourself.

Quatre: That isn’t a very nice way to…

Dermail: Same goes for you nursey boy.

Sally: I’ll be right back Quatre. <leaves>

<Quatre continues working, but obviously uncomfortable>

<Enter Sally and Duo>

Dermail: No who’s this?

Sally: This is one of our other nurses, Duo. <winks at Quatre>

Dermail: Another fruity boy?

Duo: Who are you calling a fruity boy you box of kitty litter!  And what kind of maggots got to your face?  You look like you lost a battle with a rabid dog!

Sally: Actually it was a cat.

Duo: They’ll let just about anyone in here wont they?

Sally: Thank you Duo. You can go back to whatever you were doing before.

Duo: I would except I lost my toothpick.

Sally: <pushes Duo out door> Just go!

Quatre: Any other problems Duke?

Dermail:<quivering> No.

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