Setting: Hallway. 

Duo: <stumbles out of room> Sheesh, she could have been a little more gentle.  She just glows maternal radiance. <Hears sirens> Hello, wonder what we got coming in.

Wufei: <Walks by briskly by>

Duo: Hey Wu-man, what’s the excitement?

Wufei: Blunt trauma.

Duo: <pouts> I was hoping for a little more excitement then that.

Wufei: Every case has the potential to turn for the worst so every person who comes  through that door gets the same care.  Now are you going to stand there or are you going to prep the trauma room.

Duo: Well I was considering just standing here.

Wufei: <Glares>

Duo: I’m going.

<Enter paramedics with pt on gurney>

Wufei: So what do you got?

Paramedic #1: 32 year old female ended up on the wrong end of a baseball bat.  Complains of upper right quadrant pain.  BP stable…(well I’m not going to bore you with all the technical stuff cuz I’m not actually writing this so that I can write trauma scenes…so lets omit all that goofy hospital gab get back to the normal talking.)

<Scene moves to trauma room where they’re getting ready to transfer patient Wufei,

Duo, and the paramedics are joined by Noin and Une>

Wufei: On my count.  One, two, three.

<Series of grunts as patient is moved over>

Patient:  I feel much better really.  I think I’ll just leave now.

Wufei: <holds her down> Where do you think you’re going?

Patient: To kill my little brother for hitting me with a baseball bat.

Wufei: You could have some serious internal injuries.

Patient: It was just a nerf bat…I don’t see why my neighbors had to call 911.

<Cumulative sweatdrop>

Duo: You mean you got hit with one of those foam bat things?

Patient: Actually it was just soft plastic, but it still hurt like a bitch.

<Une and Sally snicker>

Wufei: Move her to exam room 4 and give her the once over before sending her home.

Duo: Now lady, I’m gonna have to learn your bro’s secret for being able to hit so hard. 

When I had those bats I could barely hit the ball three feet.

Wufei: Duo!  At least pretend you’re a professional!

Duo: <laughing> I thought I was.

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