Setting: hallway again.  Duo and Hilde are tossing a football.

Duo: Man this place can sure get boring.

Hilde: What do you expect when you have a job dependant on people injuring themselves.

Duo: At least we’ll always be in demand.

<Enter Sally>

Sally: Can you make it a three-way?

Duo: Sure baby, anytime.

Hilde: Duo!  Please start thinking with your other head.

Duo: <throws Sally the football> I knew what she meant.

Sally: Who’s that? <Points at man down the hall>

Hilde: I don’t know, I’ve never seen him before.

Duo: <grabbing girl’s hands> Let’s go snoop.

Hilde: Relena’ll know.  Unit secretaries, like psychics, know everything.

Duo: Let’s have a little fun shall we?

<Sally and Hilde sweatdrop>

Hilde: And what do you have in mind?

Sally: I don’t think you should have asked.

<Five minutes later Duo, Hilde, and Sally emerge with foliage on their heads>

Sally: This isn’t going to work.

Duo: Shhh, they’ll hear you.

<Crouching by the desk and trying to overhear the conversation between Wufei and the  stranger>

Hilde: I can’t hear a thing!

Wufei: And as for the rest of the team, they’re all a bunch of idiots.

Duo:<standing up> What are you talking about Wu-man?

Wufei: I rest my case.  Duo, I’d like you and your other comrades hiding behind the counter to meet Trieze Kushrenada.  He’s the new head of the department.

Duo: Great to meet you.  Say, do you know if there’s any room in the budget for a ra…<Hilde pulls him back down behind the counter>

Hilde: You idiot, don’t start pressing him for a raise yet!  He just got here.  Give him a couple hours to warm up.

Sally: You’re both hopeless.

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