Setting: Break room, sometime around dinnertime.  Sally, Quatre, Noin,

and Trowa are eating.

Noin: I'm surprised that Duo didn't try to switch breaks with you two.

Sally: The walking stomach hasn't even talked to me since that incident that I drug him into.

Quatre: He /was/ called a fruity boy.

Sally: You were too, more or less.

Quatre: But that really doesn't bother me.  Duo, on the other hand, takes a lot of offence from that even if he doesn't show it.

Noin: You would think that he of all people wouldn't care.

Trowa: He hides his true feelings behind a mask of happiness, but under that there is a human being just as fragile as the rest of humanity.

<All stare blankly at Trowa who continues eating>

Sally: Right...

Quatre: What I think he's trying to say is that you should go apologize to him.

Noin: Why is it that whenever Trowa speaks it's some prophetic babble that comes out?

Sally: Move over Confucius, Trowa says braided boy hide many thing in hair.

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