Setting: Ambulance bay.  Heero is out smoking candy ciggies (hey!!  Its rated PG yah know!!) and Duo comes out.

Duo: Can I bum one?

Heero: It’s a bad habit you know.

Duo: I just feel like I need one.

Heero: Tough day?

Duo: You could say that.  Why is it that people just can’t accept male nurses?  They act as if the only thing men are good for is being doctors, no offense.

Heero: Hn.

<Enter Sally>

Sally: Hey Duo, I was wondering if I could have a word with you.

Heero: <Throwing down ciggy> I was just leaving. <Leaves>

Duo: What is it that you want?

Sally: I kinda brought you into a sticky situation earlier and I wanted to apologize.  But I do think that you handled yourself very well.

Duo: Nani??  What do you mean?

Sally: Well, because of you I don’t think that old Dukey will never make a comment like that again.  I’m surprised he didn’t wet himself.

Duo: <looking happier> You really think so?

Sally: I know so, that old scratching post will think twice before messing with you again.

Duo: You’re right!  I know that if I was him I wouldn’t want to run into me.  I shall fight the evil discrimination and cut down the borders of gender differences.  I shall conquer all who speak foully of male nurses everywhere!!  <Stands up and promptly falls down>

Ouch…my tooshie.

Sally: Want me to kiss it and make it better?

Duo: <Puppy dog eyes> Would you?

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