Setting: Unit Secretary’s desk.  Relena’s pretending to do some work and Une is daydreaming over a chart.

Une:<dreamy far off look> He’s so dreamy.  Trieze Kushrenada.  Head of the department…Head Trieze.  What I wouldn’t do to get into those scrubs.

Relena: You do realize that you’re talking out loud.

Une:<blushes> Opps.

Relena: Although he is pretty good looking.

Une: So Relena, are you going to give me the scoop on him or what?

Relena: Even though it is more fun to watch you suffer, I guess I’ll spill.  He graduated from Harvard Medical School top of his class.  Worked at Lutheran General for a total of two years before becoming their most decorated ER physician.  He was offered the position here.  Makes ninety-eight grand a year.  He enjoys fine red wine, strolls by the water at night, and backgammon.

Une:<startled look on her face> Thanks Relena. <Wonders off whispering to herself about Head Trieze and moonlight strolls>

<Enter Duo>

Duo: Hey Lena, what’s up with Une?  She looks like she’s got her head up someone’s…uh, never mind.

Relena: She doesn’t look /that/ odd.

Duo: If I didn’t know better I’d say she’s in love or something ridiculous like that.

Relena: What would be so ridiculous about Une being in love?

Duo: Other then the fact that she hangs on to that Princess Leia look even though it’s been dead from decades?  And what is it with those pink ribbons?  <Mocks lisp> They don’t even go good with the color of her scrubs.

Relena: You’re obnoxious.  Oh by the way, Wufei wanted me to send you into 4.  Said something about a sliver.

Duo: Don’t tell me I have to fish out a sliver again!!  What is it that I’m the one who always gets these people? 

Relena: <Looks at room assigning program on her computer> I have no idea…

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