
Duo eyes me from the shuttle, I can see his face from the main level of the docking bay.  He looks so proud that he was able to grant my request.  He also changed my life along with Relena and Heero.  I am no longer the smug little princess that I used to be.  My life has rounded out and I feel that I can take on the world.  They were very devious I admit, but what they did has completely changed my outlook on life.  My head will forever be held high and those who think that I am wrong will no longer intimidate me.  I believe that mother and father would be so proud of me if they could see me now.  I am positive this is what they always wanted for me but they just didn’t know the correct way of teaching me the lesson.

I turn to look at my companion.  Even though he doesn’t know right now, I’m sure that he’ll learn what he is and why he came to be.  I will tell him everything about what has happened.  I truly hope that he will forgive the gundams and Relena just as I have.  Only time will tell if he will become the man I used to love, but I think the reprogramming will prove to be magnificent.

“What do you think, Kit?” 

“It’s beautiful, it was always your dream to come here to the moon wasn’t it?”

I turn to look at the man with a computer for a brain.  But that doesn’t matter, he is still a person where it matters…his heart.

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