Part 3

I awoke from a knock on the door.  I hadn’t even realized that I had fallen asleep.  Still in my gown from the delegate meeting early this morning I answered the door.  A familiar smiling face greets my sleep-laden eyes.  “What’s going on Kit?”

“You’ve been invited by Miss Relena for a small meeting over coffee.”

“Tell her I decline.”

“Too late Mel, I already told her that you would meet with her.  Here, I’ll help you pick out an outfit.”

 “How could you be so cruel to me?   You know how much I despise that girl!”

“I hear she personally knows the gundam pilots.”  Kit almost giggles at the look of shock that I gave him.  ‘She knows the gundams? Why does life always love to throw these bumps in your path’ I ponder.

 “Ok, you pick out the outfit while I shower.”

 “As you wish Mel.”


I must admit that Kit does have good taste when it comes to dressing me.  He picked out a black pleated skirt and a pale blue satin button down top.  I put my hair in a ponytail with slight curls at the ends.  All in all I think I looked rather good considering I only had twenty minutes to get ready.  My driver stops and opens the door of the limo for me.    

The coffee shop was small and smelled deliciously of it’s freshly ground product.  Round tables with crisp, white linens dot the floor.  The waitresses bustle around with coffee pots in hand quickly refilling cups in which the fluid level sunk to below the halfway point.  I see Relena sitting in a booth near the back of the shop. She smiles as I make my way over.

“Queen Asher, I’m so glad you came.” She exclaims.

“Call me Mel” I reply hastily.  I imaginarily slap myself for saying that.  At least she was taken aback by it.

“Alright…Mel.  The reason I asked for you to meet with me tonight is because I’m worried about you.  I know how hard it is to loose a parent and I wanted to offer my support in anyway I can.” She is looking at me with that damn pacifist smile again.  “ I know I’m only two years your senior, but I hope that you could come to look at me as an older sister.”  A bitter taste forms in my throat.  ‘Who does she think she’s kidding?’  I feel so two faced around this girl, this has got to end.

“Relena, I’m going to be truthful here.  In all honesty I’m not fond of you.  Your ideals in your eyes may feel like the truth, but to me they are a foolhardy dream.  I can’t go around pretending I agree with you.”  Relena’s posture straightens my rant continues.

“I see.  So what you are saying is that you do not like me because of my beliefs?  But Mel, if you put those things aside there is still a person worthy of giving a chance.”

She does have a point.  Have I been discriminating her because of her pacifist beliefs?  I cringe when I realize the answer is yes.  What a poor way for me to act, a queen who goes on outward appearances instead of getting to know the person on the inside.  I’m ashamed of how I’ve been acting.

“Mel, talk to me.”

“Oh Relena, I must apologize for the way I have been treating you.  I have unfairly judged you…” I am startled by the set of hands that take my own.  Touch.  Something that I have truly missed since my parent’s passing.  I turn my head so she can’t see the tears glistening in my eyes.

“Tell you what.  Let’s wipe the slate clean and start over again.  We should celebrate our new beginning and I know just the place.  But first I have to change and you’ll have to ditch machine boy over there.”  She gestures her head towards the front entrance where Kit was patiently waiting for me.

“How do you propose I do that?”

“Easy, we’ll use the bathroom exit” she replies grabbing her purse.  “Come on.” She urges me when I don’t move.

“Are you sure?”

“Live a little Mel.”

Those words hit the spot.  She was two for two with me tonight.  “Are you sure this will work?”

“He wont suspect a thing.  Girls always go to the bathroom in groups.”

“They do?”

“Boy do you have a lot to learn.”  We make our way to the restroom.  Once inside I realize that there are no exits.

“How are we going to exit without a door?’

“You really are a sheltered one aren’t you?  When life doesn’t go as planned you have to improvise”, she replied opening the window and popping out the screen.

 I had never climbed out a window before and it turned out to be quite an experience wearing a skirt.

“Time for the excitement to begin.”  Grabbing my hand we took off down the alley.

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