Part 6

  I awoke to a smashing headache.  My room was completely cascaded with light signifying that it was early afternoon.  I climb out of bed and grumble about the cold floor as I make my way to the bathroom.  I my body froze when I heard a scraping noise behind me.  Abruptly I turn on the balls of my feet to face the noise’s source.  “Kit! Do you get pleasure from scarring me half to death?”

“I am just a machine, I do not feel pleasure.”

“About last night, I am sorry.  I don’t know why I spoke you like I did.  I was angry and tired….”


I’m shocked by his outburst.  He had never acted this way towards my before.  “What’s going on Kit?”

“You have hurt me one too many times.  It is you that I’ve always loved, but I could never express it.  Maybe that is because I am nothing more then a machine.  You need no one else to but me.  I can make you happy.” He takes deliberate steps towards me.

“Kit, you’re acting very strange.  Why don’t we just relax and talk it over.”

 “I see everything clearly.  My goal is to make you content and I will achieve that goal.”  He grabs my arms and pushes me into the wall.  My eyes are held tightly closed and I turn my face away from the android.  “I will make you happy.” He repeats.

  Kit has left me alone for two hours now.  I would leave except I know he’s posted himself right in front of the door.  I open the window and let the gentle breeze wash over me.  Leaning on the sill I look out at the evening activities.  Mothers bustle home with their little ones.  Life goes on as if nothing bad could ever happen.  They are completely unaware of the young girl above their heads held as a prisoner by a machine.

I collapse to my knees as I begin to sob.  Tears held back too long pour out of my heart.  I weep for my family, for the chances they’ll never get, and for myself.  My body shudders as I attempt to take control.  It seems that I have lost everything.

I blot my face with my shirtsleeve as the door opens.  Kit’s face is revealed. 

“Why are you crying Mel?”

“Because I’m unhappy with everything.”

“What can I do to make you happy?”

“Just leave.  Don’t talk to me for a couple of days.”

“I’m afraid I can not do that Mel.”

“Damnit…just leave me alone at least when I’m in this room!”

“Alright,” he states as he exits the room.

Taking my opportunity I rush over to the vidphone.  I dial the numbers I have already memorized.  When Relena’s face appears on the screen I quickly put my finger to my mouth, silencing her.

‘What’s wrong’ she mouths to me.

‘He won’t let me go’.


I nod.

‘We’ll be right over.’  The screen goes blank and I sit for a moment staring at the darkness.  They were going to help me.

The door opens and Kit enters once again.  “I’ve decided something Mel.”


“It is next to impossible to please you.  Your morals leave much to be desired and your leadership is lacking.”  His icy glare stays intently on my eyes.  “You are not a good queen.”

“I may be a lousy queen, but I am still your queen.” I reply standing up.

“You are also a young girl with a weak country.”

“Militaristically we may be weak, but my people are content under my rule.”

“You are only fooling yourself.  Your weakness will never bring true peace.”

I have never been so angered in my life.  My self-esteem lay in tatters, torn apart by the man in front of me…no, machine.  I didn’t fully comprehend what I was doing when I attacked him.  The anger inside of me was boiling over and I couldn’t take another one of his callous remarks.  My arms flail at his head, my knees hoping to damage his legs.  He just stood there as I make my assault.  With one startling quick move his hand clasps my neck.  With pressure from one of his fingers I fall into unconsciousness.

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