Part 7

  Disoriented, I wake up on the floor.  Muffled, but raised voices can be heard from a short way past my door.  After massaging my neck I press my ear to the wood and listen to the conversation.  The words are too distorted to comprehend, but the tone makes me shudder.  I recognize all three people talking.  They were coming to help me.

My door flies open and Heero grabs me pulling me into the hall.  As we rush by grabbing Relena, I see Duo pinning Kit to the floor.  We flew out the door so fast that nothing was registering in my mind.  I was stuffed into the back of a vehicle and we were speeding down the street.

I oriented myself to the situation as the car speeds down the road.  Heero is in the driver’s seat staring intently at the road ahead.  Relena is sitting next to me holding my hand.  “Where’s Duo?”

“He volunteered to hold Kit down we made our get away,” she replies.

“How can you just leave him there?  Who knows what Kit is capable of.”

“We do,” she states placing an envelop on my lap.  I remove my hand from hers and open the thick packet.  “This is all that Peygan could come up with on such short notice.  The summary of it all is that the M-14 was used mainly back in 182 when it was still legal to do.  They would use an infant and remove all of the brain except for the brain stem, replacing it with the implant.  They discontinued the use of the model when they discovered that with instability, the implant’s matrix disseminates causing abnormal behavior.  They did a recall, but then the law banning infant cerebral tampering was instated and the recall couldn’t be completed.  It was thought that the remaining M-14s were stopped in the earlier portion of the decade.”

“But at least one slipped through the cracks.  What is he capable of doing?”

“We are not completely sure, the data was erased from the companies files once the instability was detected.”

“What about Duo?”

“He’s a gundam pilot,” Heero replies from the front seat.  “He’ll be able to get out of there fine.”

“I hope so.”


We arrive at Relena’s mansion a short time later.  Relena settled me into a small guest bedroom with a clean pair of clothes and a warm meal.  After she went over an escape plan from the mansion if Kit went to the authorities to find me, she left me alone.  I change into the jeans and oversized t-shirt lying on the bed.  I simply walk by the food tray leaving it untouched; I have too much on my mind to eat.

‘He had volunteered’

He had placed himself into danger for me.  They had all cared enough to risk their security in order for me to be safe.  He had stayed behind so they could get out fast.  His selfless action tore at my heart.

I pace over to the window and took in the sight of the marvelous landscape.  Chaotic order my mother used to call it.  Every insect, flower, and tree was random yet vitally important.  Each life form living off the other.  As do humans.  There are so many people who rely on my leadership.  I survive off of them, their support.

The room feels to isolated for me so I leave to explore the mansion.  I hope any discoveries will take my mind off of Duo.  My footsteps echo down the empty corridor.  I peer out the tall windows lining the hallway as I pass.  The moon beckons me from above the treetops.  How I wish I could just once touch the surface of that hostile rock.  I have been staring at it all my life wishing for that chance.

“Beautiful isn’t it?”  A familiar voice states from behind me.  I turn to look into those deep violet eyes.  Unable to restrain my emotions I run up and place my arms around his lean body.

“It was so brave of you to hold Kit down while we got away.  Why did you feel the need to do it?”

“Cuz I always protect the one’s I care about.”

I back up and took a careful look at him.  I hadn’t even noticed the gash on his right temple.  “You’re hurt!”

“It’s nothing…really.”

“You’re not getting off that easily.  What if it gets infected?  It will be a little bit more then nothing then.”  I grab his hand and pull him towards my quarters.  “At least let me clean it up, consider it my repayment for you rescuing me. 

He didn’t put up much of a fight as I pull him into the bathroom and force him to sit down on the toilet.  Putting some antiseptic on the wound I giggle as the stoic pilot’s face scrunched up.  “How did you get away from Kit?”

“Wasn’t too hard.  He is mainly human after all.  Since his body works the same ways ours does I just had to hit him in the right place.  Those guys don’t feel pain though, it’s like wrestling an alligator.”

An awkward silence occurs as I plan my next move.  His lips seem so odd just being there not moving.  It was the first time since I met him that he wasn’t talking or smiling.  I finish tending to his wound by putting on a bandage.  “Why do you pilot your gundam?”

He was taken aback by my bold question.  He hung his head before answering me.  “It’s just something I feel that I have to do.  I lost everyone when I was still young.  I fight to avenge their deaths.  Maybe I fight a little bit for myself.  Now people rely on me to keep going.  It’s become my duty.”

“Do you enjoy killing?”

“Very few people actually enjoy killing people.  It’s definitely not something I enjoy doing.  But in order to bring about peace between Earth and the colonies people must die.”

“It’s such a horrible thing, death I mean.  No one wants to die even though it is your destiny given to you when you take your first breath.”  The silence returns once again.  I place my hand on his shoulder causing his eyes to lock with mine.  The look in his eyes makes me realize something about myself.  I feel something I’ve never felt before towards this boy.  I can’t quite put my finger on it.  I lean towards his face until our noses are touching.  “You are doing something so selfless when you fight.  There is no personal gain.  Fighting for the lives of millions of people with no thought towards your own safety, it could be considered heroic.  I wish I could say the same thing about myself.”

“There are many people who need you for your leadership.”

“What you think is a complete joke.  I truly am not a good leader, I relied on Kit to guide my decisions.  He was the one calling the shots when it comes to leading the country.  I am just the one with the correct lineage.”

“You can’t think that way.  You looked to him for guidance yes, but the final decision had to come from you.  I’m sure that you could do it for yourself, you just have to believe.”

“I’m not as strong as you think I am.  Remember I was the damsel in distress just a short time ago.”

“It doesn’t matter.  As long as you use this,” he states pointing at my head.  “It will the best asset you will ever have as long as you use it.”



“Does your offer still stand?”

“Always.”  He places his hand on my cheek and pulls me in to kiss him.  Relena was right, it was less awkward this time.  Our lips move in perfect harmony as he deepens the kiss, his tongue probing the recesses of my mouth.  I learn by mimicking his movements.  I can feel him smile causing me to pull away. 


“You’re a quick learner.”

“I’ll show you how quick I am,” I reply pulling him up to his feet.  He surprises me by pushing my back against the wall and suspending himself by his arms, towering over my small frame.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”  I quickly answer his question with my mouth.  Our tongues war with each other till we part gasping for breath.  “Here or on the bed?”


He picks me up like I weigh as much as a sack of feathers and drops me on the bed.  The weight of his body pressed on top of me as he smothers my face with kisses.  His mouth roams down my neck placing gentle kisses along my jaw line.  This gentleness he is showing me seems so uncharacteristic of the gundam pilot who lives his life fighting.  The feel of his lips gliding over my skin sends shivers down my spine.  I didn’t know that something so subtle could feel so wonderful.

He lifts up his head and stares at me.

“Why are you looking at me that way?”

“Because I never thought that we would be in this position,” he states as he lightly moves his hand down my cheek.

“ I don’t understand what you mean.”

“For one thing when I saw you on television for the first time I never thought that someone as powerful and respected as you are would have any interest in someone like me.  I kill people for a living and you try to save them.”

“I wouldn’t have the courage to kill anyone.  The only way I know how to live is to try and help people.  It’s what my parents taught me, something they always instilled in my brain.  Maybe they weren’t the most loving parents ever, but what they taught me is all that I know.  Even though I live through their beliefs I still have disobeyed their teachings.”

“And how is that?”

“By falling for a gundam pilot.”  I reach up my hands to draw his stunned face close to mine and softly press my lips to his.  My hands run down the sides of his face till I slip the black jacket off of his shoulders.  He helps me pull his red shirt over his head.  Underneath the shirt was a slender body, but it was built.  His size hid the fact that he was muscular and strong, but I know that he had more emotional strength than physical.  I couldn’t image the emotional strain that being a gundam pilot could put on a person.  Deep down, I feel sorry for Duo Maxwell.  The boy who had lost everything that he’d ever held dear to his heart.  I vow that I am going do everything in my power to give him everything in his life that he was lacking.

            I reach down to the bottom of my oversized shirt and start to draw it up, but his hands close over mine.  Reading the silent signals, I release my shirt.  He slowly pushes the shirt up while running his hands lightly over my skin.  

            Duo gently presses a kiss to my navel.  The sensation causes a moan to escape my lips.  He traces kisses up my stomach reaching my breastbone.  Before I realized it my shirt was being tossed aside.  My exposed skin becomes chilled as dusk cools the air.  Noticing I am chilled Duo rubs his hands along my arms, warming the flesh.

            “Are you alright?” Genuine concern fills his voice.

I nod my head, touched by the sincerity of his concern.  My hands fumble as I reach for the closure of his pants, cursing myself for being so clumsy.  After what feels like ages my defiant fingers finally undo the button.  Steadying my hands I deftly pull down his zipper.  Moving my hands to the sides of his waist I start to remove the denim concealing him from me.  Duo’s hands reach down to help me with the seemingly impossible task.  With skilled hands he unfastens my jeans and peels them from my skin.  His hands run along my thighs as he raises his moth to meet mine.  His fingers glide smoothly up my stomach until they reach the satin fabric.  He caresses the swells above the fabric before dipping his fingers beneath the satiny texture.  I moan as the pleasure soars through me.  I barely notice as the clasp of my bra is unfastened and the smooth fabric is pulled from my shoulders.  His mouth escapes mine to explore the newly exposed flesh.  My breathing staggers as his tongue teases the sensitive skin.  I feel a set of fingers trace down my side and hook in the waistband of the last satin barrier covering me from him.  He gently guides it down my legs.  I entwine my fingers into the elastic waistband of his cotton boxers urging away the last layer between us.

The heat of his body pressed against mine is so foreign.  Sensations never before experienced tingle through me.  Never before have I felt what it is like to be embraced by someone who cared from me.  The sheer closeness of it all.  His strength radiating into my own form.  I long to remain like this forever, reveling in the comfort of his embrace.

One hand is removed from the hold that it has on me.  I feel his fingers on my knee.  The playful nature reveled as he walks the fingers up my inner thigh.  The two walking digits find themselves inside my velvety warmth.  His name escapes my lips as my back arches with pleasure.  His mouth returns to my jaw line before he starts placing feathery kisses on the sensitive skin behind my ear.   Suddenly, nothing else mattered; everything was blocked from my mind except the extreme pleasure that was coursing through my veins.  I never would have believed that I could feel like this. 

Duo nudged my legs apart as he placed his body between them.  The muscles in my legs tensed in anticipation of what was to come.  Cursing myself, I made myself relax.  It was silly to be nervous at a time like this. 

Sensing my apprehension, Duo looked straight into my eyes.  “You tell me when you’re ready,” he said softly.

“I’m ready Duo.” ‘Well, as ready as I’ll ever be’ I thought.

He placed his hands on my arms and slid them down till he locked his fingers with mine.  His violet orbs lock onto my pale blue eyes.  As he thrust into me, I cry out with the initial pain, but it’s quickly replaced by pure ecstasy.  He waits for me to adjust to the sensation before he slowly starts moving inside of me.  My hands clamp tighter in his as I soar towards oblivion.  He squeezes my hands as we soar to the edge of beyond together. 

 I can already see the light of early morning through my closed eyelids.  Duo’s body is snuggled close to me.  His breath rhythmically tickles my neck.  One arm holds me around my waist.

I glide out from the bed and pad over to the bathroom.  My walking would give Relena some clue as to the activities that Duo and I had been performing last night.  I turn the water on and splash my face.  When my eyes return to the vanity mirror I am too stunned to speak.  A hand clamps over my mouth before I can let out a scream.  The smell of Ether fills my nostrils.  Blackness dances in my vision, I can’t fight it.  I let it claim me as my thoughts turn to the braided boy still in the bed.

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