Part 9

The dusty hallways of the medical treatment center are cramped with the bodies of injured people.  Every footstep reverberates through the crowded corridor.  Packed between two other bodies, I wait patiently.  Every minute that goes by makes me want to scream.  Scream so loud that even heaven’s residents would hear.  Maybe than my plea would be answered. 

The lessons that we’re just reveled to me keep running through my head.  I have to make a choice on the correct path to take.  My entire future rests on this one choice.  How was I to make such a decision, without anyone?  I feel so alone, where can I turn to now that Kit is gone?  He had been the one who had helped me think through these situations.

"Miss Asher?"  A nurse asks me.


"He's asking for you."  I follow her through the maze of hallways to where Duo is sitting in the treatment room.  We are left alone as I slowly make my way to where he is sitting on the exam table.  They had already bandaged up his worst wounds, but his black eye is painfully out in the open.  His shirt is off and I can see the formation of a bruise on his ribs.

"How are you feeling?"  I feel so guilty for bringing him into the middle of this.  He didn't deserve any of the pain that was inflicted on him, I did.

"I've had worse."

"I am really sorry that I brought you into this."

"If I didn't want to be a part of it I would have been gone along time ago."

"I'm afraid I started to doubt your honesty with Kit saying what he did.  How could I not?  I really don't know who to trust anymore.  I hope that you can understand that.”

“After having that same dilemma many times I can honestly say that I do understand what you are saying.”

“I can’t help but wonder if there is any way that we can save him.”


“Kit.   They reprogrammed him, but I was wondering if there was anyway to program him back to the way he was.  I don’t know much about computers, but I know there has to be something that can be done that can at least change him from what he is now.  If I could get the old Kit back I would be so happy.”

“You’re lying.”

His words stop me cold.  “What are you talking about?”

“You don’t want the old Kit back, you want someone to make the decisions for you.  I can see right through your mask Mel.  I can tell that your feelings aren’t truly genuine.”

“You are mistaken.  Kit was all I had growing up!”

“How much did that mean to you?  Then tell me how much it meant for you to have someone to use for your own advantage.  Face the facts princess, you’re not as innocent as you thought.”

“I…no!  You’re wrong.  I didn’t use him, he wanted to be there.”

“Wanted or programmed?”

“Why are you saying this?  Why do you want to hurt me so bad?”

“I won't lie to you.  I feel that you truly believe that you haven’t done anything wrong.  Why should you, this is all you have ever known.  What I am trying to do is bring something to your attention that has gone completely unnoticed by you for the whole of your life.  That is why I am doing this.”

 “Who else is in on this game?  Relena, Heero, you?  Who else?”

“No one else.  You have so much potential, we just wanted you to be able to express it.”

“Why did you lead me to believe that you cared for me?  I gave you my innocence because I thought it was meaningful.  How many other girls have you seduced and called it a mission?”

“I didn’t do it because it was a mission.  You sparked something in me that I haven’t felt in a long time.  Your passion for life and love drew me.  Maybe I’m the one who should be called the fool.  I wanted to give you something that no one else can give you, something that would mean something.”

“I assume that your getting beat up was also not part of the mission.”

“I’m starting to think that that was suppose to be a little bit of revenge for something I did.”

“What did Relena mean when she told me that Kit was created to be my soul mate?”

“He was created to be perfect in everyway.  As humans we strive to create perfection, but we fail because of our own imperfections.  Kit should have been something that you could have loved, instead we used him as our pawn.  I don’t expect you to forgive us for what we did. I know that we were extremely deceitful, but our concern for you is genuine and I hope that you can respect that.  I understand if you don’t want to have anything to do with me anymore, but don’t hold any grudges.”

I am embarrassed beyond all comprehension.  Those three had tricked me.  I had fell face first into their setup and now look what it’s got me.  The Kit that I have witnessed these past few days was not the same being that I had spent my childhood with.  He was an elaborate pawn used to checkmate me.

“What about Kit?”

“He’s being fixed as we speak, he’ll be good as new in no time.”



“You’re a bastard, but you taught me a lot.  Would you do me one last favor?”

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