Part 11


//The future.  The hope for a bright future lies within the hearts of all men.  A new          

                beginning, a dream on the verge of taking a hold of you.

The present.  Moment by moment, each second developing, unfolding.  Ever changing.

The past.  Fixated, forever caught in the web of time.  Etched for all eternity.//


~~        After spending over half the day wondering from one end of the academy to the other, the sight of our shared room brings me great relief.  The campus is surprisingly large for a military school, yet oddly comforting and home-like.  The smell of fuel overpowers the senses and it’s not unusual to feel a tremor through the earth as a mobile suit makes it’s decent.  For some reason the mobile suits don’t affect me as much as they should.  They were the beasts that destroyed my home, yet I feel a sense of inner tranquility when in the presence of the monstrous beasts.

The room is highly decorated with posters of scantly clad women causing my eyes to switch to viewing the floor and a blush to rise to my cheeks.

“What’s wrong with you?”


“Trying to avoid answering the question?” Jeremy waits for any reaction from his roommate.   “Ahh well, guess I’ll just have to do the talking for both of us then.” He says falling into his desk chair and propping his feet up.  “Yup, it was getting boring around here since it is holiday and all.  Not many people stay around here during break, unless they’ve fallen behind in classes and need minimum distractions to catch up.”

“Is that why you’re here?”

“Hell no, I’m a genius.  But when you got no home, there’s not really a place you can go to.”

“You have no family either?”

“Just my brother, my parents died two years ago.  Left us everything, but we can’t touch it till we get out of school.  My dad was a rich son of a bitch who was always working.  We won’t even go into my alcoholic mother who slept with anything that was moving.”

“What about your family?”

“I have no family.” Zechs states solemnly never taking his eyes off the floor.

“Well, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be anyways.  Living in a house with constant fighting.  Watching some random guy sneak out the back door as you come down for breakfast in the morning.  If you don’t have a family, at least you can imagine some caring people who for some reason or another lost you in some way.  Tragic if you think about it… the son who was stolen away during the dead of night only to fall prey to the onslaught of human reality.  Such a tragedy really.  Do you imagine what they would have been like if you did have a family?”


 “Not even once?”


“Damn.  I would have considered myself lucky to be able to not have known my parents.  Then I could have made them these really kick ass people in my imagination.  But at least I get a sweet amount of money out of the deal.

“Anyways, enough of this boring stuff…let’s go see the mobile suit hangers.  I’m sure my brother will be there right now.  Maybe he’ll even let you sit in the cockpit!”

“Are you sure about me meeting him?”

“Of course!  He’s super awesome!  I’m sure you’ll like him, he’s smart, dashing, and of course…all the ladies think he’s a hunk.  Plus he was the one who got the cool name.  Man, if I was named Trieze I’d probably have all the chicks hanging on me also.  Lucky guy.”

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