Part 13


//Rebirth.  Contemplate the idea for a moment.  Resurrection as a new beginning… becoming an entirely new person.  More then a wish, a desire, it is true birth in its second form.  The birth of the mind.  The body without the mind is just a husk, a dispensable thing.  But when the mind enters, the body needs protection, since the mind can not live without its husk.//


The final paperwork is done.  Zechs Merquise is officially born.  No longer do I have to walk in the shadow of the past.  My life is free and I can live it anyway I please.

Upon returning to my room, I find Jeremy sprawled over his bed with his head hanging over the edge, a magazine on the floor below. “How was the library?” he asks without looking up.


“For some reason I can’t picture that, but I’ll take your word for it.  I’m hungry.”

“Am I supposed to do something about that?”

“I was hoping you’d offer your arm for me to nibble on, but I guess we can go to the cafeteria.  Although I’m thinking your arm would taste better.”

“Is it really that bad?”

“Let’s just say I’ve eaten two day old bread that tasted better than the stuff these guys try and pass off as food.  You’d think they were trying to starve us!”

I keep my mouth shut during Jeremy’s rant, more because I would have to explain to him why I would consider any meal a feast.  I don’t think he would even believe that I have eaten spoiled and molding food or even out of garbage cans.  I’d also rather not go around speaking of my low points in life.

“But before we leave.  You…” he points at me.


“You,” he pokes me for added emphasis, “are going to take a shower.  You reek and you look like shit.”


“Jeez, you look like you’ve spent your life on the streets.  You’ll only get a bad rep around here if you go around looking like that!”   A towel and soap are thrown in my direction.  I barely have time to catch the items before I’m pushed out the door.  I guess a shower isn’t a bad idea, couldn’t tell you how long it’s actually been since I took one.  Looking at the closed door to our room I finally give up all reservations and head to wash years worth of horrors away.

The dull clank of the heavy wood shutting behind me echoes around the small tiled enclosure.  My heartbeat seems to reverberate off the tiny pieces of ceramic, each meticulously placed into a precise geometric pattern.  After stripping myself of my dilapidated garments, I pad across the cool floor.  The first jets of cool water cause goose bumps to rise on my naked flesh, but the cool gradually gives way to the warmth struggling to get out.  The sounds of the water sooth my thoughts, melding them into a pliable form that I can manipulate.  Molding new thoughts for a new person.

Zechs Merquise, the boy who now stands drowning his pain with flesh singeing droplets.  All the horrors I have seen and the dirt that soils my soul flow down the drain, back to the earth that gave it life.  The torrential flow cleansing the body, heart, and mind.

I don’t know how long I stood there letting the water pelt onto my fragile skin, but it doesn’t matter.  I feel as though I have shed my outer layer and what lies beneath is a fresh new being ready to take on the new challenges that my new life will throw in my direction.

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