Part 15


//I once heard the song of sirens fill the air one March afternoon.  The sweet melody reaching its delicate fingers to enfold me.  The blissful serenity warmly spread within that grasp.  “Hark” they call, “be one with me forever.”  To refuse is impossible for the undeniable allure is more then any soul can bear.//


It took five hours in the academy’s shop classroom in order to create a mask.  But now it’s complete as I stare at the unrecognizable reflection that returns the gesture.  The stark form dressed in the noble school uniform, ready to conquer the world.  A new world being seen from a new perspective.

I nudge Jeremy as he returns to lying on his bed.  “We still got fifteen minutes before class starts which means I can get five more minutes of sleep.”

“I doubt it’s worth it.”

“How would you know?  Your freaky ass shot out of bed the moment the alarm went off.  I’ve never seen someone so eager to start classes before.  Not to mention staying up till midnight working on that damn mask of yours.”

“You got five hours of sleep so stop complaining.”

“Shows how much you know.  I will never stop complaining.” He says while sitting up.  “Damn, I still had one minute left.”

“Are you always this cheerful in the morning?”

“Get used to it.  This is one of my good days.”

We gather up our books and head out towards the science wing.  The sun has barely made its way past the horizon and the dew is still visible on every blade of grass.  You can hear the birds chirping just beyond eyesight and the soft rustling of the branches in the wind.

I grip my books tighter with sudden anticipation upon the sight of the classroom.  The desks in perfect order, students busying themselves, all part of a structure.  Being as I had never been in a classroom before, I suddenly feel unending desperation set in.  This structure is not one that I can comprehend.  No inviting desks meet my eyes, only lined up soldiers waiting to make a move against me.

“Earth to Zechs, come in Zechs.”  Jeremy playfully waves a hand before my eyes.

“Oh, gomen.”

“If zombie boy could take a couple of steps we could sit down.”  With his prompting we take a seat close to the windows where the sunlight is starting to fall through.  I know that Jeremy can sense my uneasiness, but he’s playing it off as nothing, a fluke.  At least I think he is.  “You know Zechs, if I didn’t know any better I would think you’re completely lost.  Well, either that or you have a couple of screws loose.”

“Maybe if you weren’t playing with the screwdriver…”

The genuine laugh that escapes him from him startles me at first.  “See, that was a good one.  If you keep that up you might just be able to be like me.”

“No offense, but I’d rather not be just like you.”

“And why not?”

“Because one is enough.   Plus, I look better.”

“Oh really metal head.”

“Yeah really.”

“Would you boys mature past the age of five please?” a young girl with long blond hair states while putting on her most formidable appearance. 

Jeremy leans over to me.  “Missy, the girl thinks she’s the greatest thing to walk around on two legs.”  He whispers.  “But I’ve heard that the reason she’s here is cuz she forgot to knock and walked right in on her parents going at it.  They kicked her butt all the way here for that.”

“Tough break.”  I don’t mean the sentiment of course, for a girl who thinks she’s better then everyone else, the best place she could be is here.

“And over there,” he points across the room, “Is Manna and…wait, I don’t know her.  Guess she’s another new student.”

I look at the rather small girl sitting next to Manna.  Like me, she appears out of place.  Her dark hair and even darker eyes remind me of a prey animal that could be found hiding within the darkness of the night.  Although the glint in those black orbs show that she’s nothing like prey, she is determined but still afraid.

“Yo Manna, would you mind introducing us?”  I can only assume that Manna and Jeremy haven’t had the best relationship since she rolls her eyes and pretends not to hear him.  I watch him get out of his seat and saunter over to where the two girls are.  He motions for me to follow, which I semi-reluctantly do.  “You know Manna, you’ll never get a guy to notice you if you keep on ignoring them.”

“I wasn’t ignoring them, I was ignoring you.”  She replies hastily.

“Ouch, that hurts…it really does.”

“I’m so glad.”

“So would you cut the crap and introduce us to your new friend?”

“This is my new roommate Lucrezia.  Lucrezia, this is Jeremy and…”

“Zechs.”  I state trying to keep myself from staring into those deep black eyes that seem to be swallowing me whole.  They seem to hold me in a trance, not letting a single part of my body move.  That is until Jeremy smacks me on the back of the head.  I watch her hide a giggle behind her hand as I follow Jeremy back to our seats.

“Jeez Zechs, one day and you’ve already got a girl fawning over you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like you didn’t know.  And what was with you staring a hole into her head?  You do know you’re suppose to aim a bit lower.”


“What?  Are you going to claim you’re not a guy now?  Or must I teach you everything?” 

It is then that the teacher decides to make his presence.  And an amazing presence it is.  His hair is perfectly placed, sleeked back to show a notable forehead, a crisp uniform, and a demanding gait.  I am excited by his every word.  Every idea he recites is completely transcribed into my notebook.  The majority of my attention remains on him for the entire two hours of biology lecture, but a small part of my consciousness travels back to the set of dark eyes only a few feet away from me. 

Once the lecture on metals and alloys is over, I quickly pack up my bag and follow Jeremy to our next class.  The entire process gets repeated, except she’s not there.  I control my disappointment during the second lecture.  Next is a trip to the cafeteria.  Jeremy complains about the food during the walk to the caf, but still loads up his plate.  Unlike yesterday, the caf is overflowing with students.  Each group is engaged in jovial banter. 

Except one. 

She sits alone.  I can only assume that Manna has found some other company for the meal.  I take the seat across from her as Jeremy plops down in the chair next to her.  “So Lucrezia was it?”


“Where ya from?  How’d ya end up here?”

“I’d rather not say.”

“Not another one.  You can have her Zechs, you two are two of a kind.”

“I’d rather you not talk about me as though I am a piece of meat also.”

“Touchy.  I’ll just let you two little love birds have a nice conversation then.”  He states grabbing his tray and heading off.

We sit in silence.  I watch as she stabs the food with a fork, not eating a bite.  Every so often she will glance up for a fraction of a second.  I find myself pretending not to notice as I avert my gaze.  “Lucrezia, I was wondering if I could ask you something.”

“What would that be?”  Her voice has taken on a soothing tone, much different then the one she used on Jeremy.

“I know that you don’t want to talk about your past,” she tenses as I speak, “I completely understand that.  So is it possible to form a friendship without either knowing about the other?”

She takes a moment to ponder the question.  “No, it is not possible.  The stable bond that is a friendship is based on the fact that both parties know about the worst times, only they don’t use it against one another.”

“I thought so.”
