Part 17


//The poetic mind can bring sonnets into the world, meaning out of nothingness, and hope out of pain.  The handsome amount they give to society is shown so earnestly in their meager wages.  Used then forgotten, brought up only when appropriate or convenient.  Yet they press on, discovering themselves and the world.  Then capturing it in a song that only they can truly understand.  Keep seeking painters of words.//


I had spent the previous evening milling over the questions that Trieze had given me.  It gave me something to think about while I was mindlessly reading my textbooks. 

I sit and look out on the campus as the first rays of light reach over the horizon.  I feel renewed now that I know what I’m working for.  Like a new day has started in my life, one that brings infinite possibilities and adventures. 

I cross the room and smack Jeremy with my pillow.

“Dammit Zechs, that is totally not a nice way to wake me up.”

“You’ve already been up for half an hour, you couldn’t have possibly fallen back asleep in that short amount of time.”

“Shows how much you know!  I was snoozen man, and what do you have to do?  You maul a brother with a sack filled with whatever the hell these people think feels like feathers.  It’s just cruel!”

“I’d say that I’m sorry I bothered you, but if you don’t get your lazy butt out of bed we’re going to be late for class.  And on the second day I’m pretty sure that would make a lousy impression.”

“At least a lousy one for you.  I’ve got these teachers wrapped around my little finger.  I say jump and they ask how high.”

“I doubt that very seriously.”

“Oh ye of little faith.”

“Can we go already?”

“Fine, fine.”

The walk to class was as uneventful as it was yesterday.  The only highlight came when I saw Lucrezia walking into the classroom right before us.  She is alone, but I’m unsure why.  We take our seats right before a teacher with a mean demeanor, a high forehead, and small round glasses perched precariously on his sloped nose walks in toting an arm load of books.  The rest of the day ticks by slowly as I wait patiently to reveal my revelations.

At lunch I find a seat across from Lu and we sit in silence.  We would have continued our conversation without words, but Jeremy takes the seat next to me.  “Say Zechs, have you heard the good news?”

“What good news?” I question although I fear the reply that Jeremy might give me in an attempt to be funny.

“I got chosen for the Suit Ditch Off.”

“I hate to ask but what is that?”

“It’s a mobile suit testing.  They only choose the best pilots from each class to participate.”  He’s almost beaming as he relays the information.

“I heard your brother has beaten everyone in his class for four years in a row.”  Adds Lu as she thoughtfully stabs at a piece of broccoli.

“Well yeah, but I’m going to win five in a row before I graduate!”

“So you’re planning on graduating at the age of 25?”  He looks at me coyly for my remark.

“Very funny, Zechs.  Remind me to flip your switch back to mindless drone tonight.”  I watch as he makes a face at his chicken a la caf and proceeds to pout. “You know you could at least take an interest in what I’m doing.”

“I just assumed that you were going to tell us.  It’s what you normally do.”

“Am I that predictable?”  His pout takes on new dimensions as Lu and I both nod.  “Well you don’t have to be so blunt about it.  Anyways, since neither of you have any idea what the Ditch Off is I’ll just have to enlighten you.  It’s the least I can do since I am the one who’s been here longest.”

“It’s a test to see which students have progressed the furthest in mobile suit piloting in each grade level through a series of small trials in maneuvering, combat, and critical thinking.”  Jeremy’s jaw hits the table at the normally silent girl across the table.  She only shrugs before adding, “I read it in the school manual.”

“Guess I’m not needed.  I’ll just go and cry myself to sleep tonight while hugging Zechs’ teddy bear.”

My cheeks have no choice but to turn beet red.  “I do not have a teddy bear!”

“Just like you don’t kiss it right before you fall asleep and call it Mr. Snugglepants.”

“Lu, it’s not true.  I’ve never had a teddy bear in my life.”

“Oh really, you don’t have to be so embarrassed about it.  Plenty of children sleep with stuffed animals.”

“I am not a child and I do not sleep with stuffed animals.”  All I can hear is the pounding of my heart.  Jeremy just stares me in the eye waiting for my anger to begin anew.  The tense minutes pass us by, each gleaming into the other’s eyes.  “Guess I was wrong.  You are a man among men.  Anyways ladies, I’m going to take off now.  I’ll see ya later.”  In the blink of an eye he is gone.

I hear a stifled giggle and turn to its owner.  Lu puts her hand to her mouth and diverts her eyes to the ceiling, finding the patterns in the water stains to be enthralling no doubt.  “What is so funny?”

“Mr. Snugglepants.”

“That’s not even funny.”

“Oh lighten up.  It’s not like it’s going to get around the school.”

“Doesn’t matter, it’s not true in the first place.”

“Ok, I don’t believe that you sleep with a teddy bear.  Feel better now?”


“Tough to please aren’t we?”  She waits for some kind of reply, which I don’t give her.  “We better get back to class.”  I comply with her statement but walk to my next class alone.  It is better that way.

The last hours of class tick by at a monotonous pace, but at last I find myself free of the boring drudgery.  I race off to the mobile suit hanger; it is time that I make my radical announcement.  I find Trieze in the same location as the previous day without having to rely on my senses.  He is mulling over some schematics of some sort, I can only assume they’re for a mobile suit.  He turns to face me as I approach this afternoon.

“So Zechs, have you put any thought into what I said yesterday?” He questions me with a slight smile.


I watch as Trieze leans his lithe frame up against the table the papers are sprawled out on.  He waves his hand for me to continue.

“It is impossible to know what your future will hold.  The only way for you to survive is to live your life according to your philosophies.  The philosophy of the warrior is my calling.  I will fight without a second thought to who I am as long as those philosophies stay intact. 

“I am Zechs, there is no distinguishing factors between myself and him.  Every single thought and action that I do is being performed by him.  As my mind and body changes so does his.  He feels my pain, my pleasure.

“The past me is gone, dead to the world.  All the memories, thoughts, and aspirations that composed him died long ago.  The only way I can live my life is to move on, weaving the man who is Zechs Merquise.  In that way, I will finally live.”

“Get suited up.”